Leer est historia me ha hecho llorar y en verdad lamento lo que estn pasando. I am truly sorry for the pain and grief your family is going through right now. Drayke pequeo angelito, has conmovido cada fibra de mi ser, or por ti para que tu alma vuele muy alto y encuentre la paz que mereca, Dueles demasiado Drayke, Duele ver un mundo tan nefasto, duele ver tanta maldad y falta de empatia, este mundo no te mereca..pero ahora ests en lugar mejor , y el cielo ha recibido un angelito lleno de luz. I really pray for you and your family to find peace, strength and love, may God give you all the blessings you deserve. May he rest in Gods arms until you're all together again. I pray for strength for you all. So sad, I have I little boy too. I send you a big hug to his family in this time of sorrow. I pray you are at peace and I pray for your family. You guys are doing amazing and I wish you all the very best. Ah van a decir lo contrario. May they find peace and comfort. To send flowers to the family of. May he continue protect and watch over you and your loved ones, I do not know you or your son but saw his story on Facebook. I know your heart is not hurting anymore. No hay palabras para la familia que logren dimnensionar la perdidapero al resto de la humanidad si solo BASTA hasta cuando haremos crecer a nustros nios en un mundo superficial lleno de maldad y rivalidad..que la muerte de su nio bello no sea en vano aun podemos hacer que triunfe el amor en el mundo. Dear family we embrace in our prayers and thougts, fly in peace beautiful angel, now you're are in God's arms enjoying eternal life where evil does not exist. Eres la lucha de aquellos que parecen maltrato en todas sus dimensiones. Se te extraar mucho angelito. Absolutely heartbreaking. QEPD pequeo Angel! Prayers go to the family. Please know that there are many of us that have been in the same situation and it's not okay to bully at any age! Please also know that my thoughts and prayers are with you both and with your other children during these times of sorrow. You are not alone. Pequeo Angel! As a father and as a family we feel identified with you, my children have also suffered from bullying and we are working to improve the situation of my children, my children's classmates and also the whole school. May you find peace little angel, may your mind and heart find the calm that evil People took from you, fly high sweetness May strengths for the family. My heart and soul are sincerely aching for all of you. No puede seguir pasando esto!!! 1382 N Main StRaeford, North Carolina 28376. Tomorrow we will light a candle for Drayke in our home. Keith Doby Obituary (1977 - 2023) - Legacy Remembers Drayke, sweet boy I wish you could have stayed with us for a longer time you will be missed and are so loved. We need to start talking even more about bullying and incourage our kids to tell us if they're going through something, I know it's not easy but is so important. Que triste que desde tan pequeos no entiendan la gravedad de hacer bullying. I am so heartbroken along with all of you ! truly didn't deserve what he went through. This world needs to be a kinder gentler world for them to grow up in. I promise to you I will share your life for awareness and I'm an artist who is gonna make a rock just for you and share it. May the love you have for Drayke, help keep you going each day. I wish all of you the best in thus time of grieving. Drayke and you are in my prayers, I hoppe you soon can have resignation. Confio que vino a este mundo para cambiarlo y hacerlo un lugar ms bonito y lleno de amor. Very heartbroken, and saddened over this. May you feel all the love we're sending you and so much many prayer for strength and you can heal your be in peace and be happy with the Lord beautiful baby boy Drake. You will forever be in everyone hearts. hugs from souls to souls. Algo tiene que cambiar en la sociedad.. estas cosas no tienen que pasar. I am so sorry! Your son was truly an example of the way a child should be loved and my heart goes out to your family. Visitation will be held on November 8, 2022 from 1:00 PM until 5:00 PM at Doby Funeral Home. Fly high sweet Drayke!! Too good for this world. I just read Drayke's obituary and the tributes written about him. In this dark and difficult moment we honor your memory as the light for many of us, but we know that you play basketball in the courtyards of heaven. Drayke vola alto piccolo angelo. My condolences to his family and God will make justice. Padres cremos buenos hijos, hijos pidan ayuda siempre a sus padres. May he rest in eternal peace. Drayke Andrew. No hay palabras para tanto dolor . Con psiclogos, conversaciones familiares todo sirve para que esto no se vuelva repetir. I would have so many things to say but I can't find words to help you fill the void. Whoever bullied him God will punish him in this world and in the other side while your son is enjoying his life and waiting for all of you there. Sending prayers to you and your family, stay strong now you have a beautiful angel watching over your family. Sending so much love and keeping you guys in my thoughts and prayers. I hope you've found peace sweet boy. May your next journey be filled with love, peace & happiness. Deeply saddened to know how such an ngel left this World. Cario, me tienes el corazn roto, mis lagrimas salen y salen acompaadas de un gran dolor en mi pecho viendo tu carita de ngel, t inocencia, llegaste con un propsito y lo cumpliste y es dejar huella en los corazones de miles de personas, tu partida no ser en vano, acabaremos con el acoso, gua nuestros pasos ngel, pues eres nuestro guerrero ms fuerte, dejaste mucho dolor pero tambin muchos propsitos de vida. , My sincere condolences to all the family and friends, I am very sad about what happened, a child who had a whole future ahead of me, I wish with all my heart prompt resignation and a lot of light. Sending you all lots of love and strength at this time. Como mam te mando un abrazo hasta el cielo. My heart aches for you all. Even though I have never met you, the stories that your family and friends shared tell it all. He will never be forgotten and will live on in all of your memories. My number is 901-493-3314 Again I'm so sorry for your loss, Rest In Peace angel! QUE EN PAZ DESCANSES PEQUEO, FUERZA A TODA SU FAMILIA. Tight hug. He was a Star and left yo a better place. I'm just angry at what happened to him, that as someone he can hurt an innocent child. I am so terribly sorry for your loss. Devastada con lo sucedido. we are close to you, so sorry for your loss. I many not have known the family personally but my deepest condolences go out to you guys. I pray you will keep his spirit alive and make this your life's mission. I will keep Drayke in my mind and heart, and your family in my prayers. I have an 11 year old son who reminds me of your son. Rogamos por consuelo para la familia hardman. estamos viviendo un tiempo muy difcil, y parece tan injusto que la muerte tenga el poder de arrebatarnos a un ser querido!!! El cielo se gano un Angel, y aca en la tierra nos dejo una enseanza, espero que podamos aprender de el, el ser como el. I have seen your story from here in Canada of your little boy Drayke. Que dios ilumine su camino, y de resignacin, a toda la familia. Sending you so much love from across the pond in England . I can't imagine your heartache or the pain of your family! I will talk to my 3 youngest boys about be kind and no more bullying from other kids. Ya est bien de quitarle importancia a estas cosas en las escuelas por dios!!! In your loving memory To his family, the whole world is hugging you and loving your beautiful blue eyed angel. Remember all of the wonderful years God gave you all together as you long to see him again one day. No puedo imaginar el dolor que sienten como familia en estos momentos, solo espero puedan encontrar consuelo en Dios, nosotros estaremos acompaandolos en pensamiento y oraciones Un abrazo muy fuerte para los padres mi mas sentido pesame para uds, como padres sabemos el amor tan grande que sentimos por nuestros hijos, es un amor infinito.. y en estos momentos tan dificiles le pido mucho a dios que les de fortaleza para sobrellevar la situacion de la mejor manera. I'm so so sorry for your loss Love & prayers all the way from Kentucky. May God be with you and your family during this time and may that sweet boy Rest In Peace in the arms of the Lord. Mis ms sinceras condolencias para sus padres y hermanas, paremos el bulling! My name is Valentina, I am from Costa Rica and I am 15 years old. She was born on May 3, 1934, in Puerto Rico to the late Herakio and Carmen Gomez. Sending my love & prayers. You have a beautiful shine that we have all noticed. I sincerely thank you for your testimony. Rest in peace little boy. Praying a child's life is saved because of your bravery and love. What a sweet wonderful boy. My deepest condolences to you and your family. Un ngel en el cielo, fortaleza a sus padres, familia y seres que lo amaron, no hay palabras para reconfortar el alma, solo su legado y mostrar el amor que l di en vida. "Revelation 21:4. Hardman family- I am so sorry to hear of the loss of your sweet baby son and brother. Sweet Drayke, your mission in this life was fulfilled, now fly high knowing that we will continue with your legacy.To the family, your sweet boy touched the lifes of millions all over the world including mine. Take comfort in the memories that surround you. that beautiful blue eyes didn't deserve that suffering. I am so sorry I just don't have any words . Dejaste una huella en mi con tu partida. Mis condolencias: desde hato mayor del rey. Perhaps you from up tiene will help the children not to bed so cruel. I will say this. No ms! Words cant describe how much painful to see this happen. All our love from the United kingdom. O bem maior que todo mal. May he rest in eternal peace. So sorry for your loss. 8 and great of 8 and my heart bleeds for your family. No te he dejadotan slo me adelant un poco en el paso y volveremos a estar juntos. Solo rezar para que si alma descanse en paz. FUNERAL HOME. I'm so sorry for your loss this has broke my heart what a beautiful little boy may he rest in peace in gods hands honestly I send u the most love and prayers to all family.. , We mourn with you, pray for you and make #doitfordrayke be known all over Sweden too . Todo nuestro cario y nuestras muy sentidas condolencias a su familia por la irreparable perdida de este angelito. Descansa en paz precioso. May your light shine forever in a better place we like to call heaven. Obituary for Lonnie Baldwin | Doby Funeral Home Hola, me siento realmente afectada por la muerte de Drayke, tengo un hijo de 4 aos y no dejo de pensar en que hara si algo as me llegar a suceder, solo le pido a Dios por ustedes, su familia, y espero que puedan continuar, no va ser fcil pero tienen dos hermosas hijas. McPhatter Funeral Services | Laurel Hill NC funeral home and cremation I cannot imagine your families pain. What I can tell you is that the good Lord has him now and he will be just fine. Su historia nos traspas y lo sentimos como nuestra, su hijo ahora es parte de nosotros y estamos levantando la mano para decir: ac estamos, presentes y con los brazos abiertos. My Son and I were Both bullied in school. Los abrazo y acaricio a la distancia, esperando que todas estas muestras de afecto los ayuden a sanar esta enorme herida, y con fe ciega en que el amor es el que triunfara por sobre todo tipo de maldad. I wish you had continued and fight ..! Gill, NZ. There are angels that appear on earth and hide their wings to fulfill their mission, and I think that this angel's mission is very clear. Mandales muchas fuerzas!!! May God bless you all. I assure you as I sit here with tears in my eyes that his memory will never be forgotten. No hay palabras para describir lo mucho que siento su perdida, no puedo entender cmo se pueden estar sintiendo, pero, an sin conocerlos, an sin haber tenido la oportunidad de hablar con Drayke, siento como si fuese amigo mo, siento como lo hubiera conocido y me duele.

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