They were new to our team but too busy to chat, so I checked out their LinkedIn. the director focuses much more on the areas under them which they understand and enjoy, and the person in the OPs position can understandably feel neglected. Yeah its definitely not rude, unless youre actually questioning their ability to do their job. And thats often pretty much it, apart from a great date. Free food is great and all, but working remotely means I can have pizza in the oven ANYTIME I WANT. LinkedIn, Facebook, etc. I know in your specific situation you did not have any choice in the matter again I am very sorry about that. OP2: Layoffs suck, Im sorry you had to go through that. In the post you cited, the employee had run a paid background check on his new manager. She has no idea what we do and ignored us for the first three years, despite my repeated attempts to schedule meetings with her. My job (which is essentially connecting teapot artists with teapot-producing companies who want to license their designs) by necessity involves a lot of Googling of people to find out what kinds of teapots they might like and as you note, social media plays a huge role in that. Having the wrong opinions about the wrong coworker might result in rather significant harassment and abuse. Can you specify what industries? Do not assume that your level of digital literacy and safety is the same as others. And while I agree that we shouldnt necessarily hold all internet behavior against people and that in the ancient internet days, yes people werent thinking about it turning into the internet of today, still Im always amazed what folks share publicly online. So they interviewed and hired a candidate for a licensed position (not a lawyer, but like thatsomething you cant do without being authorized by a licensing body to do it). We asked Peter Sokolowski, a lexicographer at Merriam-Webster, about the etymologies of the two words and . Free food always tastes good! When I was on a remote team, the manager let us expense a dinner for up to $50 once. And the IRS doesnt count gifts under $4. Still would never occur to me. Yes. With the EU right to be forgotten thing, if you request that your information be removed from their records and a company argues that they need it, then they by law can still keep it. Similar we have deemed certain family law issues to have no legitimate public interest that is why family issues with minors are sealed, juvenile court records are usually sealed, and I think that most details of divorce proceedings are not public (someone correct me if I am wrong). colleagues should never snoop or look up information cvs2nd battalion, 4th field artillery regiment. I have no idea what their value would be considered maybe 50 cents? Mental issues? The problem with this is that there can be plenty of things online about someone that they didnt actually post themselves and dont want shared. If its not directly related to health and safety, mind your business. Even if its a public place. You probably shouldnt do that, and if you do you shouldnt be shocked if someone finds them. For consistency, this rule is in effect company wide, not just when working on government-related projects. Right before the offer is made would be a time to do it, to surface something such as what you found. He didnt know what we did and didnt care. Learning that a direct report has researched their managers resume and background just to figure out how to talk to them just feels off. Correct Answers: overheard news, profile, prescription bottle. Shadow profiles are effectively internal-only descriptions of data collection which facebook uses to further their algorithmic research and development. Itll have pics of the inside from the most recent sale, and how much it cost. All of which is to say this is probably one of those things thats not one size fits all. That info was never in the phone book, but its easily available now, and it definitely affects how people think about and respond to others. Im actually going to refine my answer on this one. I think most of us have a pretty good idea what is appropriate and what isnt without needing to be explicitly told. Because of Evil Bees deep insecurity and complete misunderstanding of the platform, she assumed I was referring to her. If I want to ask her to provide other recommendations for me, I need to remain in her good graces, and on the other hand, if I dont provide her name as a reference, there are sure to be questions about why. I never joined the society and forgot about it. If you Google the names of my published papers, you will. They will. I am really sorry about that tragedy that you suffered, you have my sympathy. Have they previously been a developer? You are LITERALLY cultivating an online collection of data about yourself! Motivation and depth of research make a big difference, though. manager for reference moving forward. Being a 250 lb giant hunk of muscle isnt protected, but it certainly wouldnt be fair not to hire him based on that characteristic. Theres a difference. colleagues should never snoop or look up information cvsijoy aurora speaker how to pair. To me, thats part of what LinkedIn is for. I find it completely natural when your boss lets you knwo that Jane Smith has been hired and will be starting in september that people look it up. Ill look up clients, competitors, people in my industry. Here we go. The error lies in when you mention it to them (or to anybody, really, but especially to them). Im not allowed to stalk you, break into your house, peep into your windows, or call your phone number 20 times a day and hang up. Because we all covet the prestigious swag that is a emory board with a staffing agency logo on it. Curious does not mean creepy. That doesnt mean you are, but you shouldnt write that off solely because youre been managing for 20 years. This is like trying to argue that its creepy to look someone up in the phone book or the Yellow Pages. But if people are concerned about that kind of privacy violations we should push for similar right to be forgotten like in the EU to be passed here in the US. Why on earth make it harder to be trapped in an office with them sixty hours a week by knowing things that may make you dislike them or find them weird? Yes. Trying to fix it has been absolutely more hassle than its worth. You actively chose to do it every single time you posted. Especially with the technical manager example since people already tend to question the technical knowledge of women/POC. Internet wise, and real life too, I am snoopy and nosy. One instance where Ive looked people up on LinkedIn is for higher ups in the company to see previous roles, to see what a path for myself could look like. I think that it would be difficult to assume others preferences based on your own, because peoples boundaries on this are so different. Especially when you add in that one of the reasons you are doing so is to win disagreements. On a subconscious level, we must recognize the company whos name is on the pen we use, and when it comes to buying an item, were more likely to chose them over a competitor. I work remotely 3x per week. You are equating two things that are vastly different from each other. Vendors frequently come into my work to do lunch and learns and various other informational/sales type presentations. Ive been burned by this habit as well because god forbid someone speak to another human and ask them questions. There is a programming language I have multiple endorsements for that Ive never used (thanks to LinkedIns algorithms and prompting other users). When we have food, typically either donuts or pizza lunches, then the other sites are asked to buy their own within a max $ and then send us the receipt for reimbursement. I agree it is not a perfect analogy because with internet privacy you cant really shut the blinds yet. Unlike these Latin word parts, worker is just the noun formed from the Old English-derived verb work, so coworker combines a Latin prefix . Signing forms at the front desk was always stocked with pens from reps years ago. The information contained herein is the property of CVS Health and subject to non-disclosure, security and . Because Im a pragmatist when it comes to things like safety, and as my husbands driving instructor said about defensive driving If you wind up in the hospital, its not going to matter if you were right or not. It doesnt make it ok to run red lights, or to assault someone because its a dark nigh etc. A few years after I graduated, they built a website and mined old hard drives to upload all articles from the previous decade to it. To Malarkey01, I for sure did not go to HR and say what I said here agreed that would not be productive. Go read Wireds recent article about Google. Anything that requires detective work will make people wonder about your motivations. (Once he ordered pizza delivered, and it didnt come, and eventually we figured out that he had ordered it at a franchise in the wrong town! But dont default to Starbucks! I find it hard to believe so many people think its outrageous to do something on the level of looking at the public posts on someones FB page. I think those that are saying we shouldnt be googling coworkers are probably right, but its really not a question of should vs. shouldnt, but will vs. wont. It may be shorter wait to go inside. I think it depends on what level the manager doesnt understand. Its the current year, everyone knows that if you publish it online, the internet never forgets. I tried deflecting, but it hasnt worked. It was pushed by one of the partners, who wanted some things done, had a general idea what he wanted, but didnt know exactly what was needed. As an ex best friend of a jealous snooper, its important to recognize what is done with the information. Keeps things interesting! All the stuff I posted before, that is my fault, but going forward I try to be very private about my information. Do I mind that my coworker looked up/at my insta, no. What youre saying is the equivalent of saying theyre in the phone book, of course I looked up where they live 20 years ago, or if you didnt want me to look through your phone, you should put a stronger passcode on it or of course I went through my wallet, its your fault for leaving it on your desk. 9. Tech manager here and it is super common for people to ask about my background. Im black myself, I cant say Ive ever felt the need to look at co-workers personal pages under the guise of safety. Or just the ones that get your spidey sense up? I work in a media context, and I can see that there may be the occasional need to be aware of an employees online presence. In my field everyone has a website. LinkedIn is fair game as far as colleagues go. We once sent a box of doughnuts to a remote employee so he could be properly rewarded. Sponsor or chair an industry or company event? With his dog. Some people have some sensitive things out there which they cant take down. Or better yet, get some of those people who theyve done great work for to tell the boss. Weve had almost 100% turnover in HR since this last time I pushed to get this policy changed. I think it definitely depends on the salary of the employee in question, and also Id suggest that gift cards or something of the sort are preferable to reimbursement for meals, because for me, the cost of a $10 takeout order is DEFINITELY not worth the hassle of putting in an expense report. Ive also found my cell number, even though I would never post that publicly either. They have hot chocolate and food. I get that my opinion last time was unpopular and not widely held by others.

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