Your name sounds familiar, Rob, when were you at CC and what group were you in? Yes No. Whats the end game for us lying? Shame on you. Any information at all please!! This Is Maysam Group 8. The elder Kay started as a night staffat Brightway Adolescent Hospital, in St. George Utah. Anybody else there at the same time? One graduate claimed he was forcibly kidnapped from his home, handcuffed, beaten, and taken across state lines against his will in order to be transported to the program, or in short legally trafficked. I was one of the girls who unfortunately spent days on end in isolation and was restrained several times. Ive had friends who went there that ended up dead when they left. Wow. I been good man. Ron took great pride in creating and administering his own cruel and sadistic punishments such as putting students on Staff-Buddy complete social isolation and silence for months at a time, BFO Tapes a system of endless mind-numbing hours (aprox. I attended a place called Trident in 95-96. Teen Mentor was shut down in March 2011 by Costa Rican authorities after they received numerous complaints from children and parents regarding abuse at the school. You may call me at (318) 445-9696. CRAZY kid!!!! Personally, my experience wasnt all that bad. I cant find pics anywhere of the inside and have been looking and looking. I was there from May 21 2001 to August 16 2002 in parkers group with Mary. That cabin had a husband and wife living there, the wifes name was Pookie, I cant remember the husbands name. Had I stayed another few weeks at home, my record would have been ruined and I would never be able to achieve what I have today. I would have killed myself. To the right, which is where the hallway going towards SN and the other rooms, was closed off. *withthats, WITH an aluminum baseball bat. Fucking trash, yet no one believes or cares. The Sociology textbook was modern and really interesting. Also even though the education was totally bullshit, I was self motivated and interested in school again being away from drugs and hustling. I fortunately was one of the few lucky ones who figured out how to get in and out of that place fast. And things did not change when he opened Midwest. This facility is owned and operated by a notorious umbrella organization called World Wide Association of Specialty Programs (WWASP). Parker is a piece of shit, scum of the earth. Raise awareness of the true nature of WWASP Programs, to advocate for those still being held in Troubled Teen programs, and to provide validation and support to survivors of WWASP programs. Fuck you and anyone that supports WWASP systems of rape, sexual and physical and mental abuse. Oh and I was illegally taken here when I was 17. What is your# ? Im here for all of you and want to hear your stories and hopefully some of you recognize me. Ron Garret deserves to endure the horrible things hes done to his victims. So I was there when it first started and completed the program after 13 months. Gulf Coast Academy - Formerly Eagles Point Christian Academy, Bethel Girls' Academy and Bethel Boys Academy. They convinced us they were lieing and just wanted to come home. Mi name is paul morrison I was also in greig hansens group five but spent most of mi time in the isolation unit on mi stumic in the cold hungry. If you survived cross creek.well ya know.. To Jon Jones, Corey Callaghan, micheal stratman, Bobby Santiago, and especially Clay Denney. Jade Robinson also assisted with his wife at Morava Academy in 1998. Ivy Ridge was closed in 2009. As an experienced professional, you should understand how badly an adversarial environment affects the therapist-client relationship. Non-academic records are not available, as far as we know. I Graduated from tranquility bay and am trying to get my transcripts. U only did six months, but I know some who w theyre for years. Just wanted to let you all know you all are pieces of shit. Last I talked to you you were in the Navy stations in Sacramento. I wait with bated breath. He was an evil, disguisting animal that deserves decades in prison for the abuse he not only allowed but promoted and got off on. Learn how your comment data is processed. They quickly learned crying on the phone got them in trouble. people who are angry when they come into work and take it out on children by throwing them up against the wall and slapping the crap out of them when they did nothing wrong; and even if they did, they deserve to be beaten. LDS Church members must have the honesty to speak out against these atrocities or they will be repeated elsewhere. I remember Dallas and Sam and Craig and all those guys. Steve and Glenda and Steve is reportedly living in Birmingham, Alabama. I wish I wouldve find this site years ago. I am wondering if it is affiliated with the WWASP. Shut down 2011. Rick, maybe if we were all 15 years old and still locked up, this would make sense because we would be trying to manipulate our way out. Another graduate claimed to be supervised by a male staff member when she was showering at the age of 13. Horizon Academy (Utah) states on their website that they are closed. We had to be within arms reach at all times? Over the course of 3 decades, over 20 WWASP programs would open and later close for various reasons including abuse . Ran by the Herman Fountain in lucedale, mississippi. My worst experience there was when I was restrained because I didnt sit down when they told me too. I was at academy at Ivy ridge 20+ years ago and still have dreams about that place. I dont remember if thats what they called it. Casa by the Sea was also shut down in 2004 citing issues with CBS operating an illegitimate pharmacy. Up to this day, I still cannot adapt to society. got pulled out because i stopped eating, lost about 100 pounds, Mike, when were you at CC and what group were you in? Eating a pop tart taking little rat bites so I could make it last all movie. Ricky Teixeira. Wasp is a business and they only want your parents money, they dont give a fuck about you or your family. Cross Creek Manor, was opened in 1987 in La Verkin, UT. Pretty sure I was in group 5 with a tall counselor (he went to BYU) and a family rep who seemed to always be crying (his wife worked there and they had a son who attended the school years prior). This place sucked. I got pulled and never graduated, thank god! I act like it never happened. Leave any and all comments. [2] Before founding Cross Creek, Lichfield had worked at Provo Canyon School. Thank you. He next appears in the WWASP saga in 1996, when he bought and opened Spring Creek Academy along with his brother Cameron and Dan Peart. Since leaving Cross Creek, I relapsed on drugs specifically heroin. Id fuck his wife tho lol she was hot. Xandir OCando tells Cross Creek anti-queer brainwashing and abuse story at Bawdy Storytelling After Paradise Cove was shut down he moved back to Cross Creek and then went on to become director of Midwest Academy, in KeokukIowa. Ciub. I remember you Nick we used to be in the same group together. Gosh, where to start. I remember constantly having some kind of foot fungus. I was betrayed by family and kidnapped during the day. I post this on Youth Foundation Inc facebook page I was told to post it here hope it helps I was at cross creek for 15 months June 2 07 to September 3 08 what I talk about happen to me two to three times a week for as little as not sitting when asked not hurting myself or anyone else just not sitting down and mind you this went down in fount of two higher level kids watch by the way I tried to get all that paperwork that was written down by the two staff and the upper level which they would not let me see than or get now which I called them asking for them which they said they would not let me see them The World Wide Association of Specialty Programs and Schools (also called "WWASP" or "WWASPS") was a company that was incorporated in 1998 by Robert Lichfield. These are the owners, directors, staff and employees of the World Wide Association of Specialty Programs (and Schools) also known as Teen Revitalization, and marketed by TeenHelp LLC. I was in group 2 with Colin and Jeff. In the classic nepotistic fashion that a hallmark of WWASP, in 2010 his father appointed him the owner and Administrator of the Teen Mentor facility in Costa Rica. Owner of Cross Creek Programs (Cross Creek Manor/ Cross Creek Center) and Owner of Teen Help, the marketing arm of WWASP. I always thought I was ungrateful and felt guilty for being unloyal to my parents. As for everyone on here, I hope you all are thriving in your lives. Get beat up and restrained till you pass out because they caught you talking yes you were not allowed to talk to anyone! The most intimidating men i have ever met. That place fucked kids up even more than ever helped. Maybe he can help them enter another dimension until their sentence is up. If you are lucky enough to still be alive after long term abuse. They used to make us swear to secrecy and wed fight each other in the laundry rooms just for fun or some other staff .. Staff has sexual relationships with another same sex staff member, one of which infidelity with another make staff member) the relationship ended in a suicide attempt.. After Tranquility Bay, in 1998he again served as Assistant Director, this time for Carolina Springs, working under Narvin Litchfield. Robert Walter Litchfield is Robert Browning Litchfields son. Youth Foundations was also closed quickly after its rebranding, due to financial disagreements with the facilitys landlord and billing company, Robert Lichfield. Many WASP (WWASP) and Tranquility Bay is closed. He then went on to be the owner of Majestic Ranch, now operating as Old West Academy, where children as young as 7, and perhaps younger, were detained, abused, and used as forced labor. @Rick. Ron Garrett is a bitch ass nigga. you can tell which ones hated their staff members, .. Even after I turned 18 they supported me and I was the main reason for starting an 18yr old program. Preston had recently been moved from Group 7 because that other dude, Justin, got moved into our group and they were talking gang shit. A Board member from the Alta Mirada Townhome Association located in Tempe, AZ left a note of appreciation for their. Survivors describe High Impact as a boot camp incorporating a multitude of unreasonable restrictions, excessive exercise and a constant barrage of verbal, and physical attacks. I would like to learn more about this organization and hope that you will share any information. 2 Baths. Narvin and Robert Litchfield will be punished sooner or later. Ben Trane Gp to #opstopinabuse and look at his profile there.You can track down his family too. I did worksheets every night. WWASP Survivors is run by a dedicated group of concerned alumni of WWASP-affiliated programs. I miss u buddy. He ordered their restraints, food and sleep deprivation and bragged about keeping students in isolation for more than 6 months at a time. I remember that the guy in charge was Cameron, and I remember sick sadistic people like that pig Adrian, and his bland wife. This only made me think about things more and led me to making the drive out to La Verkin on a recent trip to Vegas. If you want anything to go away, dont buy it. The former Cross Creek Manor is up for sale: 591 N State St La Verkin, UT 84745 Rules and Regulations Staff Karr Farnsworth Karr Farnsworth have served many roles for WWASP in the many years he has been involved in WWASP. After 42 days, I was sent to Bridges Boys Academy, I ran multiple times on the third attempt I got caught and sent to a lock down facility in gladstone. As much as I hated that place, I dont hold any resentments towards it. please email me. Just food for thought. When they took her from me, I thought that I was going through Hell, but I was nowhere near La Virken, Utah. These kids were nerds never used drugs or fought came to cross creek got reprogrammed and meanwhile heard the stories of others and lived a fight or flight life for years couldnt handle real life. Then, in 1999, he took an ownership interest in the Cross Creek Programs, where he still serves as Administrator. Bill Boyles you really should delete his post. And if it did then it is definitely gone). Im glad they kicked me out. Most of these are just lies that you recorded to use because of your bias. Cross Creek Programs: Abuse and Torment CCM Survivor Statement - Angelique In May of 1993 I was sent to a girls home called Cross Creek Manor (CCM) in southern Utah where I lived for four and a half months. Any who hope all of you are alive and well. Justin, you were in my group. Long time no see Its Jeff Stahr group 3 with Adam Thomson, Doogie, Austin, Mike Hayes, Eli, Josh Brey and Causus and the rest of them. I remember that day they told me if I left I would most likely die. Hey my name is Megan coyner i went to cross creek in the years between 1995-1997 i was in B group and thane was my therapist some of the people in my groups names i remember are gaby,miranda,elizabeth,erica. Inhad brian parker as my therapist and he was a fucking beedy eye And before you even pretend to say thats because of WWASP, I was considered nonworking and took my exit plan when they could no longer legally hold me as an adult. I had a 3 hr meeting with those 2 and Ron. If anyone knows or they were in around for 06 let me know please. Royal George Academyit (m there) April 2007 To 2008 Call it either a prison with a nicer outfit or a Gladiator School (Prison). But i hope they find something new to help troubled teens, everything is so sugar coated these days. I was here in 2010-2011, i never really saw abuse. The carpet, furniture, counter-tops, and even some of the motivational type posters are still on the wall. Such as the Coronvirus Pandemic. So they dont have credentials of any kind. They drained my college fund and I was way worse off after going to CCM. 1,688 Sq. This will probably be scrubbed as legally actionable but its true. I would only say that the info on Ron is not quite correct. He and his wife were house parents and I later lived with them. Tammy Johnson took over as Director of Majestic Ranch in July 2002, which was when Wayne Winder was arrested. Its insane knowing in hindsight that so much abuse went on in that building. Do you remember Willy Modisett? Dwayne Lee was the Director of Paradise Cove until the facility closed in 2002. I never got Child abuse but who knows what went on there. Paul serves as Executive Director for Eagle Ranch Academy. I watched it happening everyday. You couldnt speak to anyone, but staff and you could only speak about 5 specific things. Steve and Glenda Roach are from St. George, Utah, where they both worked as police officers. I want to share my experience I was incarcerated in group 2 Darrel group as horizon academy shares the property with cross creek anyways this place is torture fucked me up real being there time goes by real. Dan Peart is Robert Browning Litchfields brother-in-law. reember when I was there in 2007and 08.. always seemed as the staff were at war, or just screwing a student, or 3 or 4, or arranging for the fight I remember Craig too and the kids in his group were always fucked up and acted stupid ass shit. Fuck that horrible place and everyone that worked there. I wish I had a better memory for this stuff. Female student mistreated at Utah & Jamaica Lyndsay, 1999, A story of teen sex abuse & mind control in teen prisons Anon, 1993,,, Youth Foundation Closes Amid Scandals, Lawsuits | WWASP Survivors, Tweetstorm to Shut Down Logan River Academy Today | My Cult Life, 416. Jay Kay was eventually given the job as Director at Tranquility Bay, where he served until the facility closed in January 2009. After CBS was closed in 2004 Goulding along with an old High School buddy Rich Darrington, opened another program called Darrington Academy in Blue Ridge Georgia. Hmmm. If you want to talk more, feel free to send me an email at It was WWASP that designed and supplied the Policy and Procedure Manual to its member schools, listing the responsibilities of its member schools,including Spring Creek, and it was Lichfield who formed the network of entities responsible for the operation of the school. He was never unkind. Im. He has been accused of several major crimes against children at High Impact including assault, rape and attempted murder. My son still will not talk about everything that happened there. This man is an accused rapist and a very violent individual, He is also the mastermind behind the infamous dog cages and the man who would sit on top of kids as they were being restrained in painful arm/ leg locks and stress positions. I feel like because of those tapes I have a pretty grounded base of philosophy and literature, and while I majored in Sociology with a business minor in college, I feel like I have a better grasp of those subjects from reading every single book I could when I was off staff buddy and from the tape room than my friends who majored in those fields. I can go into detail about everything I experienced, as I have a remarkable memory. Dallas was a fucking pricky I hated him. Ill never forget praying with you every night to make it out alive. Forced us to sit in front of a wall for 8 hours a day, listen to mindless tapes for 5 hrs a day, and much more. So of course I halled ass out of there. Sunrise Beach, Mexico | 1000 places You don't want to be as a teenager. I hate that man still till this day. Its great to know that there are so many others affected by this place, just makes me feel like Im not alone in my experiences. dont take my post down this time like really have some accountability for what you did.I dont know how many time you had big guys toss me on the floor as staff was yelling at me telling me to have accountability as they lay across my back as I am just trying to get air which is really hard to do with three guys laying on your back with all of them putting all there weight on me they made me pass out more times then I can count in there S.N room which was smaller then a jail cell with no bed just enough room for them to lay you out and crush you it your turn to have some accountability. In 2002, Hinton left WWASP to work in another school, but came back in 2006 in order to serve as Director of Royal Peak/Royal Gorge Academy in Colorado. In May 2009 and charged with battery on two students at the school. So he must be. i was in Craig Hansons group. I recall a ton of abuse, no mental help. Just another obstacle in my journey. n. Hey Mike! What struck me at the time was how young they all were. craig hanson is a liar, deceiver, and that place is the most dishonest place ever. I was there 2003 2004. I had to do it twice. Who would have hired her knowing (or should have known) her employment past! Im trying to find out if Alaskan Tyler wolf is the Tyler that got in a lot of trouble in Alaska. Chaffin Pullan I want to know was there or is there a lawsuit against them and who do i need to contact please. We made it, they didnt. Sorry. Plus they were very strict Mormons, who really had never been to the outside world nor experienced the type of problems similar to what us girls had experienced, which explains their lack of empathy. That man and place have caused some issues in my world that idk if Ill ever get over and I am almost 30 now. If places like this still exist they should burn to the ground. I still have nightmares to this day, and wonder if I should seek more therapy for it. I think the place is shutdown now right? You sound like the typical idiot who would believe that it helped you in some way. And it seemed live every time I checked on someone, they ended up being either dead or in prison. In with group with Craig then moved to group with John. I was at casa, 1998 1999 Alexis Seath from alliance well actually from Santa Cruz friends with brittney Hensley who was there too, we were friends back home, they put us in different familys. Ive wanted to do something to shut these places down since I was 17, and Id love to help of I can. It was by far the craziest experience of my life. But wouldnt let them go home either. As Administrator of the boys side of CBS, Finlinson was responsible for running a brutal program that systematically abused, deprived and tormented children. I hope that this place never changed him, and I will always remember he and his wife as individuals who helped me get through a very tough program and a tough time in my life.I hated Cross Creek, I have nightmares of going back and my parents never getting me out but never of the Vaifanuas who were good people! Brian, you are troll. Survivor Testimony Tia Foster im just trying to get a hold of anybody i connected with while i was there i remember going through the discovery seminar and they would make us roll up towels cover them in tape and beat carpeted walls while everyone was screaming and i remember being so tired but they would get mad when we would stop and start yelling at us to do it harder and let out our anger i remember being so mentally and physically exhausted i was here for more than 2 years and when my bishop, yes i said bishop not my parents came and rescued me and refused to pay for me to stay longer my parents finally let me come home and i was never able recovery mentally and adjust back into regular society because i have such severe anxiety attacks that affect me till this day cause of this place. Lichfield had previously worked at the confirmedly abusive Provo Canyon School in numerous roles beginning in 1977. Plot Plan must be submitted indicating location of submittal and include applicable measurements and dimensions. Its pathetic how they make your family not trust you and not believe your stories about the abuse. There are crazy people that put trash bags over childrens heads until they couldnt breath. I look forward to the day when all these places are shut down. But it gucci my parents were asians spoke weak english easy to manipulate but however writing letters and waiting just waiting to hear a response back. But something inside of me still aches. Where you at Casa? Many were doing it to get money for school. I was at TB and Cross Creek. Paul Ansalanian Cross Creek Academy and Browning Academy have been used as names for the academic program. I would do anything for the tape of that fight, I would love to sue that place and I am extremely happy to hear that they are shut down. The separate office/admin building in the parking lot is not used. None of this is due to cross creek I will never see how this helped my life. Oh where oh where are these shitbags nowId love to sew their eyelids shut, spin them aroundand stalk them an aluminum baseball batmy nightmares tell me to. 480-345-0046. Look, experienced professional, I have BS and MS degree, successful career, marriage, and soon to be kids and I dont do drugs. Then went to group 10 when that was made. #troubledteensfightback. That stupid smile peeking through those hate filled eyes. If they were so innocent, and we are all just liars, why have so many been shut down by authorities for sexually misconduct and abuse? For over 20yrs I found myself in and out of prison. I literally just left cross creek after a short visit. You are not alone. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. I knew it would get shut down eventually. Three Points Center has been a NATSAP member since 2014. I remember Cory Padilla. I know she played by their rules to get by, but I could always see it in her eyes. Right around the time you were. They all sat around a table afterwards and wrote statement of facts to match up against mine. Ron, Rita, and Craig Hansen were the most evil tyrants Ive every met in my life. Stop looking for others to solve problems. Ill never forget that damn room where you had to sit and listen to tapes and take that quiz on it. Ive been trying to find him and cant seem to. He eventually quit, but rejoined WWASP as Vice-President in March 2000. In July a member of another group, Cross Creek Survivors, posted a picture of a dumpster outside the Cross Creek Manor facility, another former WWASP school in southern Utah. Ill never be the same and I feel an obligation to make sure other kids dont have to be trapped in these prisons where restraint, belittling, or cruel punishment are an every day occurrence. I was there for half a year in 2017. These guys are like hiding Nazi SS rats, just follow the smell, and the exterminate. I do know that the girl side was a lot more strict and they were very anal about following the rules. Dave Arslanian is Co-Owner and formerly served as Admissions Director of Eagle Ranch Academy in St. George, Utah. I just want to apologize for the way I treated you while I was there. The only good part is my friend in there Nick leitner (spelling wrong) got me an awesome list of hip hop artists to get into..been hooked for 15 years since Cameron even taught me to drive! Like a lot of you, I had problems sleeping for many years, and only into my later twenties did I start to really deal with everything. I went there as a child, ages 12-14 in 2007. At some point he was working in a public school, but currently Goulding reports to be coaching LittleLeaguein St. George Utah. P. why isnt respect camp or aka bethel boy christian academy on here. I dont remember if thats what they called it. He then served as Assitant Director for Spring Creek in 1996, then took a job in the same role for Tranquility Bayi 1997. I am so glad they shut it down. Randall Hinton To all you out there who shared that experience, youre not alone. If something horrific and traumatic didnt happen and were all already free, why would we bring it up for any other reason than the offer support and warn parents faced with similar decisions? Im 38 now and very much alive. The only time I was restrained was when I was violent. and later Spring Creek Lodge in Montana He also worked for a time at the notorious Tranquility Bay in Jamaica until he left to help start Casa By the Sea in Ensenada, Mexico. When Darrington Academy closed, he moved to Lake Tahoe, Nevada, and got a job as the dean at a private school. I know my parents spent a lot of money and were only trying to help me. He was so vicious around me. Cory Padilla, maybe you remember him. Nick didnt need this place no one needed this lots of graduates from cross creek are or have since been to prison. Farnsworth met Litchfield when both worked at Provo Canyon Schools. I also remember them trying to convert me to Mormonism on our graduation trip to Salt Lake City. Shit dan wuddup I remember we were roommates for quite a while til you were pulled i think right? We follow the Lord and value family. The parents because of covid were not allowed to see our children for MONTHS. Scott! You get to a point where youre so institutionalized that you forget theres an outside world. Anybody else there at the same time? I was in Cross Creek in 07 I think it was. Has had countless allegations of abuse. I then had to spend another year in high school. I finally got help. The same sick beds are even still there, with mattresses and blankets still in them. Thats me lol. 2005-07 How are you? I also learned integrity, and accountability there, and to be honest, they had some good people there that nourished me with love. Its crazy to read through here and see all the familiar names. Any abuse that may have occurred is on top of that fact. Got something special for Garrott in the works Morava Academy was raided by Czech police and shut dow after allegations of child abuse and illegelly detaining minors. I cant say I didnt learn from it, but I can say it wasnt necessary. It is unclear whether that facility was a WWASP program. Please be kind and respectful of others,. Later, Robert Lichfield incorporated the World Wide Association of Specialty Programs and Schools (WWASP) and programs operating under the Cross Creek Manor model would be referred to as "WWASP programs" by I was at Cross Creek 06-07 and the description for Ron Garrett is spot on. Jump to: Hinton appears to have left WWASP. I know exactly what you mean. Please SUBSCRIBE, like and comment or donate to my PayPal (link on top of Channel Page) to help Support this channel.Brad went to Cross Creek Manor and then . I still cant believe I was stuck in that place. The brother of Robert Litchfield, Narvin appears to have gotten his start with WWASP in 1998 when he opened Carolina Springs Academy, functioning as both owner and Administrator. I was there too in the late 80s. A lot of these abuse allegations are just total bullshit and I hope they know they what a positive impact they had not only on my life but the lives of many others. Anti-Queer Brainwashing at Cross Creek Manor Xandirs Story, Xandir OCando tells Cross Creek anti-queer brainwashing and abuse story at Bawdy Storytelling. Lichfield has no background in Child Psychology, his former job being a staff member at Provo Canyon Boys school which was shut downdue to abuse, neglect and mistreatment of children. He has admitted to pepper spraying students repeatedly. let me know if there is anything I can do to help. He apparently served as a Trustee for the company. I got there in 97. He resigned as Director in 2002 while serving a one year, probation-likepre-trial diversion. Jay Kay, the son of Ken Kay>, got his start in WWASP working for his father as a security guard at Brightway Adolescent Hospital. They were kind loving people who truly cared about the kids that went through the program. Make sure to document the basement and isolation, please. Intentionally provoking kids, which many times resulted in flip outs and catagories and restraint. He was at Cross Creek when I was there, 1993-1995. Fuck cross creek and if you enjoyed your time as a slave there then fuck you too. As you walk through the doorway, the main stairway is to you left. I was struggling to understand my sexuality, had started using drugs and was caught drunk on two occasions.

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