Its clear the video was very misleading and to me says nothing about her guilt or innocence. There was no they or he, It was she!!! Now he acts like he supports her. She will be burning in hell very soon. The Court finds that Applicant has adduced no evidence nor pointed to evidence in the record that demonstrates that the crime was an attempted burglary or robbery rather than a murder. I dont believe she committed this crime alone. I just think that people talk and maybe there is someone out there that does know something. Furthermore, Im deeply troubled that the Prosecutor was not stopped from trying to convict a woman by deciding prior to the trial that Ms. Routier is not a murderer, leaving them with no answer to the question of who killed their children and or how a jury could be clueless as to their responsibility at seeing ALL the evidence of the possible killers and making an informed decision. You are both disgusting. That prosecutor is completely unethical in keeping damn near 300 crime photos from the jury. For those of you excited for her execution date, youre sick. I also believe we need to run the fingerprint and all DNA before any execution. Innocent or guilty, I dont see what reinvestigating the case hurts? Doesnt take a thing. SUCH LAZY ASS DETECTIVE WORK !!! And Texas will have to pay her for every year they kept her locked up. There is way more to it than the documentaries lead people to believe, people have patterns and ways of doing things, the murderer was a stabber, stabbed the kids multiple times with enough force to go all the way through, then for some reason takes a weak slash at darlie? Aaaahahahahaaa. Bad taste can be a determining factor ?? My last tid bit for this rant is that all of you talking about looking forward to her execution, you should do a little more research on the lead detective and his past, as well as the prosecutor. Explain the bloody sock down the street. your killing parts of yourself at the same time-THAT PART! Many of us who mourn children do these things to cope, to at least hold on to that piece of our babies. Sure I was on the fence a year ago after watching that totally leaning innocent program The Last Defense. (Sarcasm***) I have never thought for once that she was guilty. Its a sad time when we are more than willing to lash out to someone online but they are quiet in person. She had a very experienced and competent defense team, was found guilty by a jury, had appeals, and is now awaiting execution. Everyone knows scumbag defense attorneys dont require clients to be innocent. Why isnt she being forced to report all that money as income? None of it really added up and if the trial would of been in a different town with a better attorney she would never be on death row. Watching the 20/20 episode, I was also embarrassed and disgusted with the juror. Darin knew for a fact Devon had died at least three minutes before he did that cpr on him in front of officer Waddell. Her last story just gets more desperate. Disgusting. Blood clearly was wiped up. Ive followed this case since I moved to Texas just a few days before this horrible crime occurred & I honestly think & believe she is completely innocent!! Her blood on the vacuum handle: So what? They couldnt find the knife that killed her second son, meaning two intruders entered the home that night. Just take your KKK racist Darlie loving self to the grave already. Just because she is not a blubbering, crying woman does not make her guilty. Ignorant people for sure. 4) Ill give you that one. They lied. Not to mention the fact that he faked that cpr he did on Devon in front of officer Waddell. The Disputed Conviction of Darlie Lynn Routier - HubPages Also; there is recent evidence and tests conducted to conclude that based on where the sock had landed in the alley ; the only logical way it got there was by being thrown out the window/dropped off the roof of a moving car as it sped like hell out of the neighborhood. That battle will soon be underway, he said. She also confirmed another insurance scam three years prior, when Darin arranged to have his old white Jaguar stolen and hidden at a farm in Oklahoma. Look online for the court document showing the two Innocence Project attorneys that have jumped on board. Unless Darlie is willing to come forward with the whole truth about her husband I do not believe she will ever get out. What case have you been following. It wasnt shed until after Darlie stood up and started moving around. 4. You cant get that unless you did the killing. Guilty conscience on that man, trying to point the evidence away from himself and Darlie got caught up in it. Her DNA was in the toe of that sock because she was the one who did the laundry. Anyway (sorry did it again!!) Her along with her supporters cannot and will not ever be able to explain the evidence away. Victoria and others who suggest that we ascertain whether Darlie is truly guilty, necessarily imply a new trial a second chance most death row convicts would welcome. Do I believe that the state gets it right? I remember this on the news years ago, perhaps ignorance, but i thought back then i cant believe that a girl like that killed her children. 1) Shame on everyone who lied or did wrong (I thought if she was worried about fingerprints on a knife, she could certainly take care of her kids). EVERYTHING had another answer!!! They also collected the evidence by shoving many things in one zip lock bag so all the DNA got contaminated. Read the transcript and you will know why they convicted her. Did anything ever come of that? Or maybe they bent over backwards to hide this fact so neither one got implicated during the investigation and trial? Shes where she is, because the forensics points directly to her. Since at least 2018, DNA tests have been ordered multiple times after technology has advanced. The sick bastard probably wanted to rape and murder her but she fought him off. Darlie will be free if she does not start telling her supporters, or the authorities what she knows about her husband. Her ex-husband, Darin? Book and verse Marlene please. Theres two things we can agree on. I fully believe in the Death Penalty for any heinous crime of this type. AND if that was the case, why didnt she just run outside screaming for help? How ? Why? When I watched it last year I also thought an innocent woman was railroaded. Darlie lost here family,freedom here innocence is clear. in this day and age its all too well known that there are piece of shit women in the world who murder their children. Justice for Devon and Damon Routier! I think you are indeed dangerous. LOOK JUST THE FACT OF LAUGHING AND ALL THAT OF THE STRINGS . No way in hell that man was upstairs asleep during the attack. the police and the prosecution thaut that she was bolt or luwis. A sock with the victims blood found three houses away. The New York Innocence Project, now convinced that an innocent woman is languishing on Texas Death Row, has joined forces with Routiers appellate team: Steve Cooper and Richard Smith of Dallas and Richard Burr of Houston. If shes innocent, maybe she actually gets a shot at a life again. It would have taken a while and notes would have been found somewhere. Her execution has not been scheduled. for darlie routier website Bitch being crazy and is happy her kids are dead doesnt mean she killed them does it. The majority of suburban Texans judge and are afraid of anything they perceive as different. News crews and people with cameras still visit the two-story red brick house on Eagle Drive, which looks mostly the same as it did that night. Poor lady has lived a nightmare and deserves justice. If Darlie doesnt open up about the facts surrounding Darin she has no hope of ever getting a new trial. The evidence and every single piece of it proves she is the most abominable cold blooded killer of precious Devon and precious Damon. The silly string thing. The Innocence Project recently was victorious in a situation that parallels states evidence 85-J in Routiers case (#runtheprint, Aug. 29, 2018). Watch his interviews, read his statements he has changed his story so many times over the years he can not even keep up with those lies anymore. Of course, if 85-J is run through the national database and a match pops up or if DNA tests pass the high bar of proving the presence of a man in the Routier home that night who had no business being there, there might not be another trial at all. They could then take that money from those fines and put it into community programs for kids but why do that when we can keep packing people like cattle into overcrowded jails. Look, Im the biggest supporter in the world, but it drives me nuts when other supporters say things like the necklace had to be surgically removed. It didnt. How could there be a dna test on the sock? Darlie should not have been given the death penalty because at the time of the crime she was temporarily insane hence not eligible too be charged with felony murder it was more like a passion killing Pure Injustice. No motive, unless you want to grasp at enough straws to make a broom. They need to investigate Darin Routier. I didnt want that hottie to have done it. I agree with you. The Innocence Project and Darlie Routier | Page 15 | Websleuths Its all of YOU wholl pay for rushing to judgment because a woman cried her heart out at her babies grave, then managedin a time of utter griefto celebrate what wouldve been her sons birthday. Read the transcripts and stop perpetuating bullshit. Site by, Dallas County District Attorney Henry Wade,, Lend an Arm: Help Texas Patients by Giving Blood. Anyone who can I dont believe they are any better then any other murderer. Its is very clear to me however that the police and prosecutors used Darlies lifestyle, ie, breast implants, blonde hair and her personality to pre judge her. I went to look for more info and that is when I found all the resources I needed, complete with all the transcripts of her own testimony and statements that changed. I hope it does free her and she can sue the state of Texas for a lot of money. Her and Darin had a very serious fight just hours before the murders. These judges are about two things, making sure their prison stock in their portfolio (I would be 80 percent of my retirement they own prison stock) as well as their contributors (private prison owners) stay rich are what they care about. Not once have I ever seen a murder beat the hell out of herself, cut their throat to the point of killing herself,(remember 2mm) she would have died herself, the defensive wounds on her forearm. But only when there is NO DOUBT and DNA evidence. What have they done with the mounds of evidence that was gathered pointing to her husbands guilt? Blood can splatter a distance. Car accident. Why arent you exposing Darin Routier? Also her bloody finger print on the vacumn cleaner she layed down. Also consider Texas has sent for innocent people to death row than any other state. It will never happen. Shes no victim and neither is he. Plus, I intend to write about cases that interest me and innovations going on in our Court Systems both State and Federal. No evidence of Darlie fighting with anyone. Very strange. Well golly gee my auto correct works because I probably typed Damians name in recently and he is a supporter so Ill correct myself just for you DAMON hope you booty feels better now . And when she is, all well hear is crickets LOL. Threw a party at the cemetery and out of all the songs to play for the babies-come on now-ganster paradise and the scene of the funeral army swiss knives lay upon them, only thing Im saying if she did it,GOD is the word-vengence is mine saith the just having a hard time with how a mother can kill what came out of her? He is still pushing that intruder theory and so long as that happens Darlie will never see the light of day. One day, some of you will be on the other side of the law and you will think different and I think its exactly what some of you need. The intruder floated over all the blood. Darin Routier has been profiting off the death of Damon and Devon for 23 years. So happy to hear this.. Dat You mean Darins sock that had a large amount of Darlies DNA in the toe, and the murdered childrens blood on it? Texas certainly needs to get their head on right and do right. Just like that.. She didnt wet any towels. For people who say Darlie Routier was unjustly sentenced to death row for her son's murder, their argument often comes back to DNA. Take a good look at the crime scene photos of the sink and tell me that if it was your sink, youd consider that clean. What proof? When luminol was applied, they instantly glowed dark green. Then theres the issue of the lead detectives pleading the 5th amendment on the stand with regard to taping the birthday party at the graves. This case is the poster of injustice. Go Texas. Marlene did her research. People deal with grief in different ways. The lead detective never considered any other possibility, therefor of course evidence was likely overlooked.

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