[174] Mughal rulers trained cheetahs and caracals in a similar way as the western Asians, and used them to hunt game, especially blackbuck. [5] The CACP Phase II was implemented in 2009, and the third phase was drafted in 2018. [180] Deaths result from several reasonsstillbirths, birth defects, cannibalism, hypothermia, maternal neglect, and infectious diseases. As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases, About | Privacy Policy |Contact | Advertise. You are uplifting, inspiring, and charming. The highly reduced clavicle is connected through ligaments to the scapula, whose pendulum-like motion increases the stride length and assists in shock absorption. 2. [17][18], In 1975, five subspecies were considered valid taxa: A. j. hecki, A. j. jubatus, A. j. raineyi, A. j. soemmeringii and A. j. [150] The Cheetah Conservation Fund, founded in 1990 in Namibia, put efforts into field research and education about cheetahs on the global platform. [53] In 1926 Major A.Cooper wrote about a cheetah-like animal he had shot near modern-day Harare, with fur as thick as that of a snow leopard and spots that merged to form stripes. Elqenna: ( ehl-ken-nah) A pretty exotic girl name meaning "superior". The speed was obtained by dividing the length by the time between footfalls of a stride. The Cheetah's diet consists of a wide range of prey from steenbok, rabbits, wildebeest calves, duikers, kudu, and impala to springbok, hartebeest, oryx, roan, sable, birds and warthog. This allows cheetahs to rapidly regain their stamina after a chase. [66][108] Generation length of the cheetah is six years. [58], The head is small and more rounded compared to other big cats. Name Vibration The emotional energy of the name Cheetah resonates with the Pride level on the emotional vibration scale. CHEETAH Synonyms: 23 Synonyms & Antonyms for CHEETAH | Thesaurus.com Elvire: ( ehl-veer) An exotic French name meaning "truth" or "all true". To defend itself or its prey, a cheetah will hold its body low to the ground and snarl with its mouth wide open, the eyes staring threateningly ahead and the ears folded backward. [187] Chances of successful mating in captive males can be improved by replicating social groups such as coalitions observed in the wild. Elongated and slender long bones of the limbs in general, as well as the pelvis, specially the ischium. [174] Mafdet, one of the ancient Egyptian deities worshiped during the First Dynasty (31002900BC), was sometimes depicted as a cheetah. Generally, the female can not escape on her own; the males themselves leave after they lose interest in her. In most cases, a coalition will consist of brothers born in the same litter who stayed together after weaning, but biologically unrelated males are often allowed into the group; in the Serengeti 30% members in coalitions are unrelated males. [3] This in turn comes from Sanskrit: (Chitra-ya) meaning 'variegated', 'adorned' or 'painted'. [2] The roughly triangular skull has light, narrow bones and the sagittal crest is poorly developed, possibly to reduce weight and enhance speed. [1] The Endangered Species Act enlists the cheetah as Endangered. The slightly curved claws, shorter and straighter than those of other cats, lack a protective sheath and are partly retractable. [79] Moreover, the reduced viscosity of the blood at higher temperatures (common in frequently moving muscles) could ease blood flow and increase oxygen transport. Cheetahs often inspect their vicinity at observation points such as elevations to check for prey or larger carnivores; even while resting, they take turns at keeping a lookout. As such, the size of their home range depends on the distribution of prey in a region. [30], The three species of the Puma lineage may have had a common ancestor during the Miocene (roughly 8.25 mya). [14] Today the cheetah has been extirpated in most of its historical range; the numbers of the Asiatic cheetah had begun plummeting since the late 1800s, long before the other subspecies started their decline. [189] In 1764, English painter George Stubbs commemorated the gifting of a cheetah to George III by the English Governor of Madras, Sir George Pigot in his painting Cheetah with Two Indian Attendants and a Stag. [10][58][60] Cheetahs are sexually dimorphic, with males larger and heavier than females, but not to the extent seen in other large cats. [2][10] Unlike other cats, the cheetah's canines have no gap behind them when the jaws close, as the top and bottom cheek teeth show extensive overlap; this equips the upper and lower teeth to effectively tear through the meat. [31], Extinct North American cheetah-like cats had historically been classified in Felis, Puma or Acinonyx; two such species, F. studeri and F. trumani, were considered to be closer to the puma than the cheetah, despite their close similarities to the latter. [68] The pronounced tear streaks (or malar stripes), unique to the cheetah, originate from the corners of the eyes and run down the nose to the mouth. Cheetah - Duma Chimpanzee - Sokwe Clawless Otter - Fisimaji Kijivu Crocodile - Mamba Genet - Kanu, Kala Giraffe - Twiga Gorilla - Nyani Hippo - Kiboko Honey Badger - Nyegere Hyrax - Pimbi Jackal - Bweha Mongoose - Nguchiro Monkey - Kima Ostrich - Mbuni Pangolin - Kakakuona Python - Chatu Serval - Mondo Snake - Nyoka Vervet Monkey - Tumbili The lightly built, streamlined, agile body of the cheetah makes it an efficient sprinter. Cheetah - Wikipedia And who wouldn't want their child to be free and independent? These pretty cats have magnificent patterning and incredible speed, it would seem to be unfair to gift them with a powerful roar as well. Many men with a 3 Personality are very handsome; women are often strikingly beautiful. Its primary prey are medium-sized ungulates. The researchers suggested that a hunt consists of two phasesan initial fast acceleration phase when the cheetah tries to catch up with the prey, followed by slowing down as it closes in on it, the deceleration varying by the prey in question. [36][41] The cheetah is thought to have experienced two population bottlenecks that greatly decreased the genetic variability in populations; one occurred about 100,000 years ago that has been correlated to migration from North America to Asia, and the second 10,00012,000 years ago in Africa, possibly as part of the Late Pleistocene extinction event. An adult cheetah can accelerate from 0 to 60 MPH in three seconds, thats as fast as a Porsche 911. [112][113] Listed below are some commonly recorded vocalisations observed in cheetahs: Another major means of communication is by scentthe male will often investigate urine-marked places (territories or common landmarks) for a long time by crouching on his forelegs and carefully smelling the place. While females lead a nomadic life searching for prey in large home ranges, males are more sedentary and instead establish much smaller territories in areas with plentiful prey and access to females. The sister group of the Puma lineage is a clade of smaller Old World cats that includes the genera Felis, Otocolobus and Prionailurus. [5] The generic name Acinonyx probably derives from the combination of two Greek words: (akinitos) meaning 'unmoved' or 'motionless', and (onyx) meaning 'nail' or 'hoof'. The Iranian population appears to have decreased from 60 to 100 individuals in 2007 to 43 in 2016, distributed in three subpopulations over less than 150,000km2 (58,000sqmi) in Iran's central plateau. [64] When a female enters a territory, the males will surround her; if she tries to escape, the males will bite or snap at her. [66][14] A study suggested that this mane gives a cheetah cub the appearance of a honey badger, and could act as camouflage from attacks by these badgers or predators that tend to avoid them. [51], The king cheetah is a variety of cheetah with a rare mutation for cream-coloured fur marked with large, blotchy spots and three dark, wide stripes extending from the neck to the tail. It is restricted to notable cheetah characters from the world of fiction. [49][50], The low genetic diversity is thought to have been created by two population bottlenecks from c. 100,000 years and c. 12,000 years ago, respectively. The Cheetah - Africa Geographic The eyes are shut at birth, and open in four to 11 days. As of 2017, cheetahs occur in just nine per cent of their erstwhile range in Africa, mostly in unprotected areas. [125], Urine-marking in males can become more pronounced when a female in their vicinity comes into oestrus. The vegetation and water resources in these mountains supports antelopes. Here is a list of some traditional and creative male names to choose from. [10] The hair is mostly short and often coarse, but the chest and the belly are covered in soft fur; the fur of king cheetahs has been reported to be silky. [1], Cheetahs appear to be less selective in habitat choice than other felids and inhabit a variety of ecosystems; areas with greater availability of prey, good visibility and minimal chances of encountering larger predators are preferred. Females may also show marking behaviour but less prominently than males do. [66] Cheetahs have rarely been observed scavenging kills; this may be due to vultures and spotted hyena adroitly capturing and consuming heavy carcasses within a short time. This page was last edited on 23 April 2023, at 21:09. [58][66] Cheetahs have an average hunting success rate of 2540%, higher for smaller and more vulnerable prey. [81][82], The cheetah resembles the smaller cats in cranial features, and in having a long and flexible spine, as opposed to the stiff and short one in other large felids. Adults weigh between 21 and 72kg (46 and 159lb). Saying cheetah in Austronesian Languages. [162] In September 2009, the Minister of Environment and Forests assigned the Wildlife Trust of India and the Wildlife Institute of India with examining the potential of importing African cheetahs to India. They seldom occur in tropical forests. The cubs might purr as the mother licks them clean after the meal. [64] Cheetahs in the Sahara and Maasai Mara in Kenya hunt after sunset to escape the high temperatures of the day. Another population in Kenya and Tanzania comprises about 1,000 individuals. Shortage of prey and conflict with other species such as humans and large carnivores are other major threats. Cheetah Name Meaning: What Makes It Remarkable The rampant hunting severely affected the populations of wild animals in India; by 1927, cheetahs had to be imported from Africa. [198] In 1986, Frito-Lay introduced Chester Cheetah, an anthropomorphic cheetah, as the mascot for their snack food Cheetos. They are weaned at around four months and are independent by around 20 months of age. These baby name lists are organised alphabetically. Births take place at 2025 minute intervals in a sheltered place such as thick vegetation. search grammatical forms search close synonyms search narrower synonyms also show related names : Save as Defaults: Home Name Meanings. Males can breed at less than two years of age in captivity, but this may be delayed in the wild until the male acquires a territory. The fauna includes the elephant, rhinoceros, buffalo, giraffe, lion, leopard, cheetah , roan-antelope, hartebeeste, kudu and many other kinds of antelope, wart-hog, hares, quail, partridge, jungle-fowl, bustard and guinea-fowl. The extension of the vertebral column can add as much as 76cm (30in) to the stride length. [34] However, subsequent research has shown that Miracinonyx is phylogenetically closer to the cougar than the cheetah;[36] the similarities to cheetahs have been attributed to convergent evolution. However, a 2013 study recorded the average temperature of cheetahs after hunts to be 38.6C (101.5F), suggesting high temperatures need not cause hunts to be abandoned. [173] Other historians, such as Frederick Zeuner, have opined that ancient Egyptians were the first to tame the cheetah, from where it gradually spread into central Asia, Iran and India. 11-year-old cheetah breaks land speed record", "Locomotion dynamics of hunting in wild cheetahs", "Temperature regulation and heat balance in running cheetahs: a strategy for sprinters? Meanwhile, cheetahs nearby, who did not take part in the hunt, might feed on the kill immediately. A coalition of three males occupied a territory measuring 126km2 (49sqmi), and the territory of a solitary male measured 195km2 (75sqmi). The name Cheetah has seven characters. [160] The Iranian Cheetah Strategic Planning meet in 2010 formulated a five-year conservation plan for Asiatic cheetahs. It feeds on small- to medium-sized prey, mostly weighing under 40kg (88lb), and prefers medium-sized ungulates such as impala, springbok and Thomson's gazelles. [101] [127] Mating begins with the male approaching the female, who lies down on the ground; individuals often chirp, purr or yelp at this time. Javelin - Named after the projectile. Please find below many ways to say cheetah in different languages. Nearly all the cheetahs remaining in the wild live in Africa. [30], The oldest cheetah fossils, excavated in eastern and southern Africa, date to 3.53 mya; the earliest known specimen from South Africa is from the lowermost deposits of the Silberberg Grotto (Sterkfontein). [76][77][78] The large nasal passages, accommodated well due to the smaller size of the canine teeth, ensure fast flow of sufficient air, and the enlarged heart and lungs allow the enrichment of blood with oxygen in a short time. Meaning CHEETAH. One case is known of a cheetah that overtook a young male Pronghorn. The cheetah typically stalks its prey within 60100m (200330ft) before charging towards it, trips it during the chase and bites its throat to suffocate it to death. A perfect choice for your furry feline friend! [66][108][134] The lifespan of wild cheetahs is 14 to 15 years for females, and their reproductive cycle typically ends by 12 years of age; males generally live as long as ten years. What about: Chuah Chazaiah Chrisiah Connah Cabalah Cobadiah Calijah Checotah Crisaiah Cheah Caziah Cartah Baby Names A-Z A What Does The Name Cheetah Mean? [64] Newly born cubs are covered in fur with an unclear pattern of spots that gives them a dark appearancepale white above and nearly black on the underside. [62], The coat is typically tawny to creamy white or pale buff (darker in the mid-back portion). [83] Cheetahs have a high concentration of nerve cells arranged in a band in the centre of the eyes, a visual streak, the most efficient among felids. Gradually the understanding of cheetah ecology increased and their falling numbers became a matter of concern. Cheetah - Baby boy name meaning, origin, and popularity A tibia and radius as long as or longer than the femur and humerus. [58][63] A study suggested that the limited retraction of the cheetah's claws may result from the earlier truncation of the development of the middle phalanx bone in cheetahs. In the past, cheetahs were tamed and trained for hunting ungulates. What Sound Does a Cheetah Make? Roars or Other Noises? [109] The ranges of floaters averaged 777km2 (300sqmi) in the Serengeti to 1,464km2 (565sqmi) in central Namibia. Alf Alf is a Norse name meaning "elf." In Norse mythology, a king named Alf proposed to a woman, Alfhild. Names for a Cheetah . 3. [8][58][117] The diet of the Asiatic cheetah consists of chinkara, desert hare, goitered gazelle, urial, wild goats and livestock; in India cheetahs used to prey mostly on blackbuck. Cheetah is derived from the Hindi word Chita, meaning spotted one. Alfhild was so impressed by Alf's skills in combat that she married him! [55] However, in the absence of proof to support his claim, he withdrew his proposal in 1939. Cheetahs are among the largest cats in the world, with males reaching up to 160 lbs. [52] In Manicaland, Zimbabwe, it was known as nsuifisi and thought to be a cross between a leopard and a hyena. Amastan: [58][61] The claws are blunt due to lack of protection,[64] but the large and strongly curved dewclaw is remarkably sharp. Cheetah cubs are highly vulnerable to predation by other large carnivores such as hyenas and lions. [86][87][88][89][90] Estimates of the maximum speed attained range from 80 to 128km/h (50 to 80mph). The mane starts out as a cape of long, loose blue to grey hair in juveniles. [58][65], The cheetah is superficially similar to the leopard, which has a larger head, fully retractable claws, rosettes instead of spots, lacks tear streaks and is more muscular. [169] In 2020, India signed a memorandum of understanding with Namibia as part of Project Cheetah. [61][62][63] Studies differ significantly on morphological variations among the subspecies. Note the deep chest and long limbs. Luckily, there are a lot of humans trying to preserve this species. Growls, hisses and moans are accompanied by multiple, strong hits on the ground with the front paw, during which the cheetah may retreat by a few metres. [48] The remarkable homogeneity in cheetah genes has been demonstrated by experiments involving the major histocompatibility complex (MHC); unless the MHC genes are highly homogeneous in a population, skin grafts exchanged between a pair of unrelated individuals would be rejected. Another title for Mafdet is "The Great Cat." The oldest cheetah fossils, found in eastern and southern Africa, are approximately 3.5 to 3 million years old. [58] It gradually fell to extinction in Europe, possibly because of competition with the lion. The physiological reasons for speed in cheetahs are: Cheetahs are active mainly during the day,[66] whereas other carnivores such as leopards and lions are active mainly at night;[63][97] These larger carnivores can kill cheetahs and steal their kills;[58] hence, the diurnal tendency of cheetahs helps them avoid larger predators in areas where they are sympatric, such as the Okavango Delta. [79][172] His son Jahangir wrote in his memoirs, Tuzk-e-Jahangiri, that only one of them gave birth. 150+ Awesome Cheetah Names - Animal Hype Despite trying to make minimal noise, she cannot generally defend her litter from predators. Populations are feared to be declining. [61] Besides the clearly visible spots, there are other faint, irregular black marks on the coat. [19] In 2011, a phylogeographic study found minimal genetic variation between A. j. jubatus and A. j. raineyi; only four subspecies were identified. Unless the prey is very small, the skeleton is left almost intact after feeding on the meat. The cheetah will stalk its prey, trying to conceal itself in cover, and approach as close as possible, often within 60 to 70m (200 to 230ft) of the prey (or even farther for less alert prey). [172] The Mughal ruler Akbar the Great (15561605AD) is said to have kept as many as 1000 khasa (imperial) cheetahs. ", "Dating the genetic bottleneck of the African cheetah", "Conservation genetics of the cheetah: lessons learned and new opportunities", "Prevalence and implications of feline coronavirus infections of captive and free-ranging cheetahs (, "DNA variation of the mammalian major histocompatibility complex reflects genomic diversity and population history", "Conservation Genetics of the Cheetah: Lessons Learned and New Opportunities", "Morphology, physical condition, and growth of the cheetah (, "Biomechanics of predatorprey arms race in lion, zebra, cheetah and impala", American Association for the Advancement of Science, "Oxygen transport characteristics of blood from the fastest terrestrial mammal, the African cheetah (, 10.1096/fasebj.2019.33.1_supplement.726.2, "Motions of the running horse and cheetah revisited: fundamental mechanics of the transverse and rotary gallop", "Adaptive design in felid retinal cone topographies", "The larynx of roaring and non-roaring cats", "Cheetah breaks speed recordbeats Usain Bolt by seconds", "Running and human evolution (7,000,000-50,000 BC)", "Which creature makes Sir David Attenborough's jaw drop? [61] The whiskers, shorter and fewer than those of other felids, are fine and inconspicuous. [174] Tomb figurines from the Mongol empire, dating back to the reign of Kublai Khan (12601294AD), represent cheetahs on horseback. [14], In the 19th and 20th centuries, several cheetah specimens were described; some were proposed as subspecies. [177] Cheetahs continued to be used into the Byzantine period of the Roman empire, with "hunting leopards" being mentioned in the Cynegetica (283/284 AD). Something about these graceful animals just makes a Cheetah's tummy roar! Churring (or churtling): A churr is a shrill, staccato call that can last up to two seconds. Sparrow - cute name for a female cheetah Rosie - sweet name Kudi - means girl in Punjabi Gypsy Bonny Fury Sasha Grace Diva Jasmine Gloria Beatrice Dolly Fauna Olivia Darla Bianca Amara Ruby Heather Moly River Juliet Melody [184], Wild cheetahs are far more successful breeders than captive cheetahs;[185] this has also been linked to increased stress levels in captive individuals. [67] Saharan cheetahs have canine-like slim faces. [66] Cheetahs, especially mothers with cubs, remain cautious even as they eat, pausing to look around for fresh prey or for predators who may steal the kill. An open area with some cover, such as diffused bushes, is probably ideal for the cheetah because it needs to stalk and pursue its prey over a distance. spotted one. The giant cheetah (A. pardinensis), significantly larger and slower compared to the modern cheetah, occurred in Eurasia and eastern and southern Africa in the Villafranchian period roughly 3.81.9 mya. Here, take a look at some of the most famous cheetah names in media history. At around 20 months, offspring become independent; mothers might have conceived again by then. The earliest depiction of cheetahs from eastern Asia dates back to the Tang dynasty (7th to 10thcenturiesAD); paintings depict tethered cheetahs and cheetahs mounted on horses. [2][8] Though incomplete, these fossils indicate forms larger but less cursorial than the modern cheetah. In Namibia cheetahs are the major predators of livestock. [144][152] Several more cheetah-specific conservation programmes have since been established, like Cheetah Outreach in South Africa. American cheetah - Wikipedia Cheetah, facts and photos - National Geographic Conservation efforts in the 1950s stabilised the population, but prey species declined again in the wake of the Iranian Revolution (1979) and the IranIraq War (19801988), leading to a significant contraction of the cheetah's historical range in the region. [147] With 76% of its range consisting of unprotected land, the cheetah is often targeted by farmers and pastoralists who attempt to protect their livestock, especially in Namibia. Cheetah Names: 180 Best & Famous Names for Cheetahs Where does the name cheetah come from? Cheetah Meaning, Pronunciation, Origin and Numerology - NamesLook The name that a person is given at birth can have a significant impact on their personality and character. [61][64], Males in a coalition are affectionate toward each other, grooming mutually and calling out if any member is lost; unrelated males may face some aversion in their initial days in the group. A group of cheetahs is called a coalition. Cheetah Names at Zoo Here are some possible names for cheetahs at the zoo: Jupiter Rhea Rio Juno Eros Savannah Caspian Atlas Ophelia Nero Sable Kaida Kiara Freya Zara Diego Vega Zeus Delilah Artemis Cassius Apollo Leo Zuri Layla Nia Koda Nala Jett Sahara Athena Kira Rafiki Giselle Juma Phoenix Zephyr Balthazar Aurora Gia Malaika Orion Saffron Kali [97], One stride of a galloping cheetah measures 4 to 7m (13 to 23ft); the stride length and the number of jumps increases with speed. [170] The eight cheetahs were released into Kuno on September 17th, 2022 by Prime Minister Narendra Modi. Unlike the big cats, the cheetah tends to occur in low densities typically between 0.3 and 3.0 adults per 100km2 (39sqmi)these values are 1030% of those reported for leopards and lions. Your wit and sparkling personality make you the life of a party. Cheetah Name Meaning & Origin, Lucky Number, Gender, Pronounce Cheetahs generally prefer to prey upon wild species and avoid hunting domestic livestock. It has spots on it. Their details are tabulated below:[19][21], The cheetah's closest relatives are the cougar (Puma concolor) and the jaguarundi (Herpailurus yagouaroundi). Sadly, due to human pressure and poaching cheetahs are an endangered species. [58][107] Hunting is the major activity throughout the day, with peaks during dawn and dusk. Cheetah | San Diego Zoo Animals & Plants Polyestrous, females have an oestrus ("heat") cycle is 12days long on average, but it can vary from three days to a month. [64] In 18771878, Sclater described two partially albino specimens from South Africa. Recommended management practices for cheetahs include spacious and ample access to outdoors, stress minimisation by exercise and limited handling, and following proper hand-rearing protocols (especially for pregnant females). It means that this name is rarely used. cheetah, ( Acinonyx jubatus ), one of the world's most-recognizable cats, known especially for its speed. The word cheetah comes from the ancient Indian Sanskrit word chita or chitra, meaning "distinctively marked" or "variegated, bright, or speckled.". [34][37] Some suggest that North American cheetahs possibly migrated to Asia via the Bering Strait, then dispersed southward to Africa through Eurasia at least 100,000 years ago;[38][39][40] some authors have expressed doubt over the occurrence of cheetah-like cats in North America, and instead suppose the modern cheetah to have evolved from Asian populations that eventually spread to Africa. The resultant level of genetic variation is around 0.14% of average living species, lower than that of Tasmanian devils, Virunga gorillas, Amur tigers, and even highly inbred domestic cats and dogs. Other uses include summoning concealed or lost cubs by the mother, or as a greeting or courtship between adults. If true, you might want to give it a name. Abel Chapman considered it a colour morph of the normally spotted cheetah. The generic name, Acinonyx, is derived from the combination of two Greek words: 'akinitos' meaning unmoved or motionless, and 'onyx' meaning nail - therefore a rough translation . [172] According to historians such as Heinz Friederichs and Burchard Brentjes, the cheetah was first tamed in Sumer and this gradually spread out to central and northern Africa, from where it reached India. This subspecies occurs in Algeria, Benin, Burkina Faso, Mali and Niger. [14] The earliest known depictions of the cheetah are from the Chauvet Cave in France, dating back to 32,00026,000 BC. Both animals are assumed to be clocked at 50 mph (80 Km/h) by speedometer reading when running alongside a vehicle at full gallop.[101]. [195] The animated series ThunderCats had a character named "Cheetara", an anthropomorphic cheetah, voiced by Lynne Lipton. [141], The cheetah occurs mostly in eastern and southern Africa; its presence in Asia is limited to the central deserts of Iran, though there have been unconfirmed reports of sightings in Afghanistan, Iraq and Pakistan in the last few decades. The sharp, narrow carnassials are larger than those of leopards and lions, suggesting the cheetah can consume larger amount of food in a given time period. Four subspecies are recognised. Cheetah Facts - Big Cat Rescue To avoid marrying him, Alfhild disguised herself as a warrior but then had to fight him. [9], A few old generic names such as Cynailurus and Cynofelis allude to the similarities between the cheetah and canids. Eight cheetahs have been donated by Namibia that will be introduced to the Kuno National Park. User-Submitted Names The lunar cycle can also influence the cheetah's routineactivity might increase on moonlit nights as prey can be sighted easily, though this comes with the danger of encountering larger predators. [132], Cubs start coming out of the lair at two months of age, trailing after their mother wherever she goes. Taming was an elaborate process and could take a year to complete. [120] Cheetahs use their vision to hunt instead of their sense of smell; they keep a lookout for prey from resting sites or low branches. All About the Cheetah - Scientific Classification - SeaWorld She presided over matters of Death and Rebirth, Fair Treatment, and Wise Decision Making. These Names are Modern as well as Unique. Below are some of the best male cheetah names. The eyes are set high and have round pupils. Choose the one that you deem as the best. [74], Sharply contrasting with the other big cats in its morphology, the cheetah shows several specialized adaptations for prolonged chases to catch prey at some of the fastest speeds reached by land animals.

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