At the end of a round, charges are reset to 0. There will also be an unalerted one on the ranged row separated from his fellows by the trap. Continue west to unlock the fast travel point and then examine the glowing object nearby. Again, there can't be a step-by-step because this is essentially random. If you agree, you will lose advantage. Therefore, it is the smarter tactic to use Lyrian Scythemen whose strength can be easily boosted. You have an optional goal of overpowering your enemy within 5 turns. After the battle, examine the mass grave. Further west you will come to another obelisk. This is a pretty big bonus making a couple of them in your deck a must-have. As it happens, I was never short of recruits so you can treat them effectively as a free resource. The deranged cow will damage one cow by 1 HP. Note that she needs to be in your hand to charge her ability. Place a Slinger in your ranged row and target the Scythemen and Slinger in your melee row. This is the key to winning the battle. Use an Arbalest to destroy the final Water Hag. You'll notice that Elven Archer units can damage one of your units every turn and Elven Swordmaster units can eliminate any damaged allied unit each turn. Approach them for a scene. The Barghests will grow to 9 HP each. The Troll will throw a snowball at your melee row leaving everyone on the ranged row. This randomness limits their overall usefulness but it's not bad to have one in your deck in a full battle. Leave the ruins to the north and rejoin the main path leading southwest. If you wait until turn 2 before using your command ability on one of the remaining units, you can lay down a Wagenburg without Lippy simply destroying it. Your goal is a simple one: eliminate Keltullis. Gather the loot lying around. Thronebreaker: The Witcher Tales Review - Nintendo Life Unfortunately, you can only take partial advantage of this right now, so play him next to the Arbalest. If you order him to be killed, Isbel will leave your company. A Spotter will appear in B1 and transform, moving Reynard one space to the right so that he ends up on B2. After the battle you will receive the Devana Runestone trinket. Here's a solution. If, somehow, the Slave's power is higher than the Slave Driver's, he will kill the Slave Driver instead. Two cards are critical to winning this fight: the Frozen Giant who gets a boost to power equal to the damage done to Meve and Professor Blastwave who drops 2 Blast Balls on deployment that have a deathwish ability that damages your opponent. Follow the path east and south. If you need to restore army morale, take a right at the sign post and you'll find a shrine a short distance along. The Grave Hag will grow to 13 strength. If they reach the end of a row, they will turn around. Side quest in the second map Aedirn.If you help the Nilfgaardians and accept them in your army you will get 2x 'Gheso Footman' and 2x 'Gheso Arbalest'Link to Gheso Footman ability card to Gheso Arbalest ability card is possible to lose Eyck Of Denesle Quest name: My Enemy's Enemy + In Defence Of The EnemyWhat happens when you help the Nilfgaardians or won't help Eyck.How to get Nilfgaardian troops in your army.Thronebreaker the Witcher tales You can choose to pull back or attack. Here's a solution. Read the notice board and use the recruitment post. Unlock the fast travel point as you continue east. Speaking to Gabor afterwards, you will learn that the avalanche was started at the behest of the Nilfgaardian envoy who is camped a distance to the north. Play the last Slinger and attack the two carcasses remaining on your side and another unit that isn't a Wagenburg. Continue to Count Caldwell's Estate for a scene with the count's son, Dragomir. You can choose to attack or not. Look for another woodpile to loot. Her unit cost is extremely high, however, which means that you may need to rearrange your army and/or take another Soldiers Quarters upgrade to accommodate her and I'm not 100% sure she's worth the cost. If you want to feel bad about the deed, talk to Keltullis first and find out why she attacked the town. If you took the freed slaves under your wing at the start of the chapter, they will leave you, giving you a Bone Talisman as a parting gift. Examine the house at the end. Adjust your deck so that you have Bekker's Dark Mirror among your trinkets. Some peasants will entreat you not to carry out the measures stated on the false decrees that the Nilfgaardians have been distributing. You can retrieve a letter from an obelisk as you cross. This will unlock the Out of the Sizzlixer Into the Fire trophy. Every turn you can order Reynard to turn one over. Play another Soldier Puppet on your melee row. Follow the path northeast and you will reach a village being rebuilt. Your immediate goal is to kill the enemy Scout units. This will cost you 8 recruits and result in a battle. You can keep your distance, which will result in a morale loss, or attempt to free the captives. The Beast will create four more. Play the Slinger and target the three Gigantic Arachas in the enemy ranged row. Use Alzur's Thunder to attack the Alghoul in the enemy melee row, inflicting 10 HP damage. Use the Arbalest to destroy another escort unit. Before leaving the estate, look behind the house for a golden chest (4/6). The vast majority of the +Evil consequences will be of very little interest to you, considering the very heavy numerical focus of this guide. The enemy will deploy Elven Mercenary units which are spies that damage your allied units when they move back to their own side. You can choose to pay 50G for increased morale. The path now turns southeast. I can't find anything after this point that gives me 5000 gold from Murko, is it a mistake? After the battle is finished, your temporary allies will reveal themselves to be inhabitants of Gheso, a vassal state with no love for the Nilfgaardians. You may also want to use the Lyrian Banner and Lyrian Arbalest units. Continue round to find a village where some peasants are persecuting an elf. Head west when you come to the fork and you will find a shrine. Some necrophages are blocking the way to a golden chest (4/9) so make them go away. Go behind her house to find several loot piles. This should provide you with a complete card. You can talk to the pair by the side of the road if you like and grab some loot from just behind them. Go through to unlock the Through the Fourth Wall trophy. Approach the platform overlooking the valley for a scene and examine the nearby stone obelisk for a letter. Reynard Odo + (Human, Blitz)His deployment ability of recharging units' Order abilities becomes a loyal ability as well. You will do 4, 5 and 6 HP damage to them respectively, fulfilling the victory conditions. Use the recruitment post and talk to the dwarf for a puzzle battle. Southeast of the fort is a shrine which you should make a note of. You can talk to the man here but he doesn't have anything useful to say. Unlock the next fast travel point and go northeast. You initial goal is to destroy the gate. This will cause the enemy to use up all his forces before reinforcements arrive. Make your way to the east of the area you're currently in and approach the group of dwarves for a scene where you learn of treasure in Black Brook Vale. The location marked on the treasure map is close to the fast travel point northeast of Crumhorne. The enemy commander can draw additional cards when he's losing so make use of your own deck to flood your side of the board with allied units. Mardroeme: Vengeance (Trinket)Destroy the highest ally and play 2 allies from your graveyard. Note that you now have five character units in your army. Unlock the fast travel point. This will give the Wagenburg three points of armour. Your goal is to arrange the stones on the far side of the board such that they are a mirror image of the stones on your side. Can be used to take advantage of powerful enemy units. The Troll will throw a snowball at the Scythemen moving them onto your melee row. This is better than the Fortification Tonic since you can use it on a damaged unit. Don't continue to go north, however. When you come a bridge by a waterfall, dig up the golden chest (3/10). This might be useful against Armored Cavalry, for example, but since it will also heal damaged enemy units, it may do more harm than good. Play an Arbalest in your ranged row and damage an Archespore by 3. Afterwards, you can choose to take the enemy's gold or leave it in the town. After you've used the Wagenbug's charge, the enemy may well leave it alone and it may build up a thick layer of armour. You'll also receive a new report along with a decent amount of loot. Here are the first few turns of a solution. You can talk to the woman standing outside her ruined house but there isn't anything you can do for her. You will receive a Morana Runestone trinket after defeating them. Talk to the old man in the centre of the village and pay him for information as to where the hawkers deal with the Scoia'tael. Make your way down into the temple area for a scene. Play the Arbalest in the melee row and destroy the last drowner. As you do, you'll see a campsite a short distance to the west. The gate will open allowing you to grab two piles of loot (and see the site of the earlier massacre). Play the Rivian Sapper and destroy your two Light Infantry. Deploy a Sapper, destroy the 1HP Nekker and damage a second. It's not as insurmountable as it seems since the more damage it takes, the more damage subsequent attacks do. Deploy Gascon to the melee row and attack a guard, reducing him to 1 HP. Play your Arbalest against any card in the enemy front row. Not bad but not nearly as good as the Lyrian Horn. At some point, the enemy will start playing Commandant cards which are powerful but take damage when enemy units are destroyed. If Villem is not in your army, he will open the gates and you will proceed to the final assault. Gather all the loot in the area and continue along the main path. You are then presented with a choice that has consequences: Since recruits aren't really a scarce resource, the first option is the optimal one. Unlock the fast travel point just to the south of the camp and continue southwest. Continue along the past the shrine. If you made your own sacrifice you will lose resources. Approach the Nekkers for a battle. These cards damage a selected enemy by the number of cards already in the allied row + 1. You'll receive a new weapon for Meve. While you're here, there's a bit of loot to pick up a short distance further east. Black Blood (Trinket)Damage all enemies by 1 and boost an ally by the damage dealt. Use the final Volunteer on the Spotter at A1 and move Reynard up to A2 and victory. Damages any unit that subsequently appears in the row by 2 as well. Continue to claim one last piece of loot for old times' sake and unlock the final fast travel point. Settle the argument between Reynard and Gascon as you see fit. After victory, grab the loot from the campsite and make your way south until you come to some ruins. After victory Black Rayla will join your forces. Also, the next tier of camp upgrades has opened up. They are arguing over the height of two peaks, each one in a different clan's territory. The Troll will throw a snowball at your ranged row leaving everyone on the melee row. You may want to let the enemy commander fill his ranks with Slaves and make your strategy outscoring him rather than destroying his units. You have 4 Lyrian Landsknecht units on the board and are equipped with the Longsword ability. If your catapault has charges, it will damage all the enemies on a row. Shortly you'll come to a recruiting post. You can choose to recover the possessions of drowned villagers to receive 100G and 500 wood at a cost of 8 recruits. All three enemy units will power themselves up such that the two Ghouls on the ranged row have 21 HP and the Alghoul 24. Place your remaining Arbalest in the melee row and destroy the envoy. This is to prevent them repeatedly duelling your units and destroying them. You will receive 250G or a boost to your morale. From here, head south until you come to the wooden bridge leading to Crumhorne. Since Vreemde has 20 power which he restores each turn, this will require a charged Wagenburg, a full rank and an Arbalest. Your enemy will start with a 23 point advantage. After the Hym's turn, it will have 19 HP and your units will have 26 and 6. Look on your map view for the closest notice board (it's the village where you fought the False Hope battle) and go a short distance northeast from there. Place the Onager to the RIGHT of the Sapper. You will then have to choose whether to punish one of your soldiers who has killed a civilian in an argument. Place Meve in your ranged row, adding a Lyrian Arbalest to your hand. You will have to win in two rounds, otherwise the Daerlan Veterans, which have the resilient attribute, may make the third round unwinnable. Your goal is to eliminate the Scoia'tael executioners and save their prisoner, Rayla the Black. After the battle you will find a golden chest (8/9) along with a letter among the after-battle spoils. This means that you can repeatedly summon with Regiment Drummers, repeatedly damage enemies using Slingers and so on. You can obtain 350G and 150 wood at the cost of army morale and then restore your morale with the nearby shrine. This will leave two Spotters with 2 HP each. Afterwards, you can choose to keep your word or have them killed. This means that you are able to unlock the In Good Company trophy. You will receive a new weapon after the battle, Meve: Angreni Blade. Your enemy spams certain units, particularly Rotfiends which duplicate themselves when deployed. Make sure you do not miss the various piles of loot lying around and continue north. Don't use the Mahakam Ale trinket because you have no way of recovering it and it will boost the enemy for the remainder of the battle. Your goal is to reduce all enemy archers to 1 HP each while keeping Meve alive. The abductor starts on the left hand side of the enemy melee row. Continue further south and read the notice board. Concentrate on damaging your enemy, only switching to enemy cards if Meve is in danger of death. Since these units start off with 4 HP and no armour you can take them out with your command ability. The summoned units are random. Move the Infantry back into the melee row. Lay an Arbalest on the melee row and attack the same Rotfiend you attacked last turn. Return to the village and leave through its southern exit. You will be fighting with a custom deck (i.e. Place your Arbalest in your melee row and attack one of the escorts. Continue past the battle site and turn northwest to find some loot including a letter. Return to Crumhorne and use the shrine to restores your forces' morale and then return to the fast travel point. If the druids from earlier are accompanying you, don't choose to make a sacrifice to the marsh gods. You can end the battle early by killing the Bargegazi. Since I can't load prev saves, I am stuck with the conv not appearing in the tent. I'm going to lose a character, 2. My enemy's enemy Afterbattle - Thronebreaker: The Witcher Tales Careful: do not use Becker's Dark Mirror when there's a Phantasm on the board! Pay her 75G to receive a card fragment. Now go north onto the main path and unlock the fast travel point. Answer how you please. Use Command: Charge on the Alchemist. Use Longsword on the units that you want to keep alive. Approach them for a battle. And once more. Build a watchtower in your camp if you've not done so already. Otherwise this isn't a challenging battle. It is at its default state of yellow. Remember not to use the Fake Floren trinket since it can't be used against bosses. Here's a solution. The other choice gives you a morale boost and you don't really want that. Talk to the man on the other side and pay him 50G for a treasure map. There are some elves who wish to trade wood for gold and you can choose to profit from their desperation or pay them a fair price. The enemy has an Inexperienced General with 5 HP and six Recruits with 3 HP each. Go northeast to the other section of the village. Mantlet (Human, Field Support)Single use: mark an ally. Once again, you'll be subjected to row effects so Lyrian Pathfinders are good to have. Read the nearby notice board and unlock the fast travel point. Examine the point of interest and pay 2 recruits and 75 wood to recover the card fragment. If your unit is at least as strong as the enemy, it doesn't even take damage. You can pay 250G to light candles to the memory of the fallen. The goal in this battle is to remove all corpses from the board. We'll start out with a discussion of WHAT this guide covers and HOW we can go about uncovering Thronebreaker's secrets. This should unlock the Pilgrim trophy. Talk to the retainer at the gate. You may choose to attack the garrison or not. You will also gain a bunch of cards in your hand. Every 3 turns, Eldain will summon a Cutthroat on the ranged row which will drag one of your allied units to the enemy side of the board. You can talk to the woman here but she doesn't have anything useful to say. You can choose to forego vengeance or you can give the order to attack. Crushing Trap (Machine)This card sets the power of all cards on a row to the mean value, rounded down. Read the noticeboard before leaving the town. Continue east to unlock a fast travel point. This will set the power of the three enemy units to 3 (11 / 3, rounded down). Doing so is required for a trophy. You can grab some loot nearby, but a broken bridge prevents you going further south. Choose to continue for a scene. Use Lyrian Merlot on the Scytheman. Examine the tomb along your way for a letter and a treasure map. You'll see a field with cows. They will consume whatever is in front of them on the melee row. Ah okay nice, I see you've made the guide public now, and it's looking good. You will find captives bound to a willow tree and left to die horribly. Unfortunately, Gabor has a head start with Gascon requiring 25 swigs to finish his ale compared to Gabor's 22. Continue southeast across the stone bridge. Make your way northeast and make a note of the shrine. Approach the gates for a scene. Arm Meve with the Spear. Afterwards, you will be in battle again. Approach the soldiers for a puzzle battle. You need to get them to consume Rotting Corpses which damage them rather than Lyrian Scythemen which strengthen them. The upcoming battle will have a requirement of killing a boss which makes Alzur's Thunder and Dazhbog Runsetones excellent trinkets to use. You can choose to drive them out, but you will lose Isbel if you do. Place the other War Wagon in your melee row. Make you way southwest. Continue east and go south for a recruitment post and some loot. Approach the gate of the Nilfgaardian fort and choose to attack. When you come to a split in the path, make your way south. There will also be a letter for you to read. Leave the valley via the northeast exit. Go west from the camp to unlock a fast travel point. If you destroy any of his units, he will summon another in its place. Go west through the gate, read the notice board and pick up the loot lying around. Afterwards, a lumberjack will explain that they won't be paid unless the wood gets to Nilfgaard. You will learn significant revelations about both your lieutenants. Use Command: Charge on the Light Infantry. Afterwards, you will find that your opponents were Rivians. The commander boosts all vampiric units by 2 and plays a lot of them which means lots of power for Eyck and Isbel. Sounds good. Afterwards, head along Langbridge. After 3 turns switch the marked unit's strength with this one. Using orders will then increase your power as well. Dig to reveal a golden chest (7/9). It is only visible to you. Use your command ability and use all 4 Landsknecht units to damage the 11 HP Knights. The Strays' Den and Alchemist's Laboratory nodes unlock "Gascon" units. Bekker's Dark Mirror (Trinket)Damage the highest unit on the battlefield by up to 15 and boost the lowest unit by the amount damaged. Play the Mandrake to pair up with the Alchemist. Use the recruitment post and head northeast. Past the Troll is some loot and a shrine to make a note of. Allowing them to join will gain 80 recruits at a cost of 1600G. Stray of Spalla (Human)When deployed, damage a unit by 5. This can be useful to in combination with abilities that damage all units on a row such as Meve's Broadsword command ability or the Wagenburg. But not much better. Your goal is to eliminate the Hym without any allies being killed. Go north and help yourself to the contents of the woodpile. Continue south to a fast travel point and grab a little bit of loot in the Lyrian Camp here. Afterwards, you can retrieve a letter from one of the graves here. Retrieve a letter from an obelisk and grab any nearby loot. All rights reserved. After a couple of turns draining her, they will stop. Choose to ask House Obert for help. You will receive the Blizzard trinket after victory. Grab a bit of loot as you follow the winding path. Arnjolf can be useful, however. You can talk to the civilians if you like. Not bad, but only really useful if your goal is to accumulate points on your side of the board. You can obtain a letter from the nearby notice board. Go south for a scene in which someone is being forced into a barrel to be tossed off a cliff. Every slot on each row is occupied by 2 strength Arachas Drones. Bone Talisman (Trinket)The "mysterious ability" is one of three effects: As you can see, those are all pretty good abilities. Select the LEFTMOST Slave to swap power with. This is a standard battle. From the signpost pick your way east through the burning buildings until you are thrown into a puzzle battle. Deploy an Arbalest and attack one of the Rotfiends for 4 HP damage. Manticore TrophyDamages enemy units by 1 or 2 when they appear on the battlefield. You don't particularly need either Reynard or Gascon, however. Do No Harm trophy. Return to the Hag's Pit and make your way south and west across the next bridge. After 3 turns, it will turn over and damage all units on your melee row by 2. You can go further down to pick up a bit of loot and then approach the figures near the broken bridge for a scene. Read the nearby notice board and head down to talk to the dwarves. Follow up with Eyck or Gabor to eliminate it. Use Bekker's Dark Mirror on the Powerful Elf unit. When you get to the main part of the village, you will notice that there is a closed gate blocking the way northeast and a bunch of elves and dwarves looking a bit shifty. Leave the burning village through the northern exit. On the other hand, you can use the AI's tendency to target the Wagenburg to keep them from targeting other units. Grab the loot and use the recruitment post. Werecats are particularly annoying since they steal units from your deck and place them on the enemy side. Go past the dwarf and examine the cave mouth to obtain 200G at a cost of 2 recruits. Caldwell turns out to be a rat. Go to your right and examine the building at the end. You will be fighting treacherous Lyrian units. At the next fork continue north to find some loot and a letter. If you do so, you will eventually receive a card for your troubles. I'm missing out or gaining resources. Otherwise it will cost you morale and one recruit. If you steal it from him, your army will lose morale. You can pay 250G to give them a decent burial, raising army morale. Afterwards, there's a notice board for you to read. Afterwards, you'll find a letter amongst the loot and if you talk to the woman here three times, she will give you a treasure map. You can choose to murder him to improve your forces' morale. Play another Arbalest on your ranged row and attack the fifth corpse along clearing the row. Choose either Gascon or Reynard to lead the initial assault (if Villem is in your army, I would suggest Gascon simply because Reynard is more useful to you). As always, the way to deal with them is to kill weaker enemies. WATCH THE TRAILER. The enemy has the Forgotten Treasure on its side of the board which can seize your units as you play them. Play the Mushrooms to pair up with the Scout. Deploy Gascon to the melee row and destroy the Guard with 1 HP. If you imprisoned the raiders earlier, you will have a battle here. Cross the bridge leading east and unlock the fast travel point. Just inside the gates is a loot pile that will give you a treasure map. Use Scorch to eliminate the two Warmongers. Not as good as being able to select any unit but this is pretty powerful. The Nilfgaardians are using fairly weak units. You will have a scene as you near the sign post. You will come to one of the broken bridges you were unable to cross earlier. Your Slingers can also destroy the Infantrymen to take advantage of their deathwish ability. After the battle, you will find more black propaganda on the notice board. You can choose to kill him, let him go or press him into service. Cross the bridge leading northeast. Instead, backtrack east a short distance and speak to the individual with the blue cap. Continue east onto the ice and make your way northwest where a Shaelmaar is blocking the way to a golden chest (1/8).

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