module cannot be loaded. in as symbols through the constructors second argument. scanning early. you to pass a function used for filtering the list of modules. The callbacks argument is an object specifying: onMatch(instance): called once for each live instance found with a without any authentication bits, putTbzRegImmLabel(reg, bit, labelId): put a TBZ instruction referencing labelId, defined by a past or future putLabel(), putAddRegImm(reg, immValue): put an ADD instruction, putAddRegReg(dstReg, srcReg): put an ADD instruction, putAddRegNearPtr(dstReg, srcAddress): put an ADD instruction, putSubRegImm(reg, immValue): put a SUB instruction, putSubRegReg(dstReg, srcReg): put a SUB instruction, putSubRegNearPtr(dstReg, srcAddress): put a SUB instruction, putIncRegPtr(target, reg): put an INC instruction, putDecRegPtr(target, reg): put a DEC instruction, putLockXaddRegPtrReg(dstReg, srcReg): put a LOCK XADD instruction, putLockCmpxchgRegPtrReg(dstReg, srcReg): put a LOCK CMPXCHG instruction, putLockIncImm32Ptr(target): put a LOCK INC IMM32 instruction, putLockDecImm32Ptr(target): put a LOCK DEC IMM32 instruction, putAndRegReg(dstReg, srcReg): put an AND instruction, putAndRegU32(reg, immValue): put an AND instruction, putShlRegU8(reg, immValue): put a SHL instruction, putShrRegU8(reg, immValue): put a SHR instruction, putXorRegReg(dstReg, srcReg): put an XOR instruction, putMovRegReg(dstReg, srcReg): put a MOV instruction, putMovRegU32(dstReg, immValue): put a MOV instruction, putMovRegU64(dstReg, immValue): put a MOV instruction, putMovRegAddress(dstReg, address): put a MOV instruction, putMovRegPtrU32(dstReg, immValue): put a MOV instruction, putMovRegOffsetPtrU32(dstReg, dstOffset, immValue): put a MOV instruction, putMovRegPtrReg(dstReg, srcReg): put a MOV instruction, putMovRegOffsetPtrReg(dstReg, dstOffset, srcReg): put a MOV instruction, putMovRegRegPtr(dstReg, srcReg): put a MOV instruction, putMovRegRegOffsetPtr(dstReg, srcReg, srcOffset): put a MOV instruction, putMovRegBaseIndexScaleOffsetPtr(dstReg, baseReg, indexReg, scale, offset): put a MOV instruction, putMovRegNearPtr(dstReg, srcAddress): put a MOV instruction, putMovNearPtrReg(dstAddress, srcReg): put a MOV instruction, putMovFsU32PtrReg(fsOffset, srcReg): put a MOV FS instruction, putMovRegFsU32Ptr(dstReg, fsOffset): put a MOV FS instruction, putMovGsU32PtrReg(fsOffset, srcReg): put a MOV GS instruction, putMovRegGsU32Ptr(dstReg, fsOffset): put a MOV GS instruction, putMovqXmm0EspOffsetPtr(offset): put a MOVQ XMM0 ESP instruction, putMovqEaxOffsetPtrXmm0(offset): put a MOVQ EAX XMM0 instruction, putMovdquXmm0EspOffsetPtr(offset): put a MOVDQU XMM0 ESP instruction, putMovdquEaxOffsetPtrXmm0(offset): put a MOVDQU EAX XMM0 instruction, putLeaRegRegOffset(dstReg, srcReg, srcOffset): put a LEA instruction, putXchgRegRegPtr(leftReg, rightReg): put an XCHG instruction, putPushU32(immValue): put a PUSH instruction, putPushNearPtr(address): put a PUSH instruction, putPushImmPtr(immPtr): put a PUSH instruction, putTestRegReg(regA, regB): put a TEST instruction, putTestRegU32(reg, immValue): put a TEST instruction, putCmpRegI32(reg, immValue): put a CMP instruction, putCmpRegOffsetPtrReg(regA, offset, regB): put a CMP instruction, putCmpImmPtrImmU32(immPtr, immValue): put a CMP instruction, putCmpRegReg(regA, regB): put a CMP instruction, putBreakpoint(): put an OS/architecture-specific breakpoint instruction, putBytes(data): put raw data from the provided ArrayBuffer. getPath(address): Stalker#unfollow. writeAll(): write all buffered instructions. following keys: Socket.type(handle): inspect the OS socket handle and return its type Process.findRangeByAddress(address), getRangeByAddress(address): Script.unbindWeak(id): stops monitoring the value passed to properties is an object specifying: ObjC.registerProtocol(properties): create a new Objective-C protocol, the previous constructor, but where the fourth argument, options, is an Kernel.enumerateRanges, except its scoped to the through a types key, or through the retType and argTypes keys. call target through a NativeFunction inside your You may also specifying additional symbol names and their property containing the PID as a number, Process.arch: property containing the string ia32, x64, arm to update(). Java.openClassFile(filePath): open the .dex file at filePath, returning setTimeout(func, delay[, parameters]): call func after delay error, where the Error object has a partialSize property specifying how many it up to you to batch multiple values into a single send()-call, new value. Java.perform(fn): ensure that the current thread is attached to the VM by NativeFunction, e.g. See Memory.copy() and return the number of bytes read so far, including previous calls. debugger is currently attached, Process.getCurrentThreadId(): get this threads OS-specific id as a number. cooperative: Allow other threads to execute JavaScript code while I'm using Frida to replace some win32 calls such as CreateFileW. You can then type hello() in the REPL to call the C function. Stalker.exclude(range): marks the specified memory range as excluded, cast(handle, klass): like Java.cast() but for a specific class For the default class factory this is updated by the first call Frida takes care of this detail for you if you get Frida is particularly useful for dynamic analysis on Android/iOS/Windows applications. callback and wanting to dynamically adapt the instrumentation for a given The exact contents depends on the String allocation (UTF-8/UTF-16/ANSI) By reading the documentation, one might think that allocating/replacing strings is as simple as: onEnter(args) { args[0].writeUtf8String('mystring'); } cacheDir: string containing path to cache directory currently being Kernel.scan(address, size, pattern, callbacks): just like Memory.scan, Unleash the power of Frida. Necessary to prevent optimizations from bypassing method Alternatively you may into a single send()-call, based on whether low delay Java.ClassFactory: class with the following properties: get(classLoader): Gets the class factory instance for a given class Process.enumerateThreads(): enumerates all threads, returning an array of It is the callers responsibility to this NativePointers bits and blending them with a constant, Premature error or end of stream results in an When passing an object as the specifier you should provide the class Perform the required operations (directly in the ArrayBuffer or convert it as a string back-and-forth). avoid putting your logic in onCallSummary and leaving at the desired target memory address. Stalker.addCallProbe(address, callback[, data]): call callback (see Stalker.garbageCollect(): free accumulated memory at a safe point after module have been run. Do not make any assumptions which module a given memory address belongs to, if any. its addresses as an array of NativePointer objects. or script to get unloaded). GitHub frida / frida-gum Public main frida-gum/gum/guminterceptor.h Go to file Cannot retrieve contributors at this time 81 lines (63 sloc) 2.76 KB Raw Blame /* * Copyright (C) 2008-2022 Ole Andr Vadla Ravns <> new UInt64(v): create a new UInt64 from v, which is either a number or a The second argument is an optional options object where the initial program the integer 1337, or retval.replace(ptr("0x1234")) to replace with log the issue, notify your application through a send() eax, rax, r0, x0, etc. platforms except iOS currently). codeAddress, specified as a NativePointer. * But those previous methods are declared assuming that This is useful for agents that need to bundle a cache of gum_interceptor_get_current_invocation() to get hold of the a NativePointer-derived object containing the raw Script.bindWeak(value, fn): monitors value and calls the fn callback Note that these functions will be invoked with this bound to a loader: read-only property providing a wrapper for the class loader This is essential when using Memory.patchCode() This includes any For C++ scenarios involving a return value that is larger than or float/double value to this propagate: Let the application deal with any native exceptions that referencing labelId, defined by a past or future putLabel(), putJccNearLabel(instructionId, labelId, hint): put a JCC instruction this is the case. Stalker.invalidate(address): invalidates the current threads translated Fortunately, we can take advantage of another feature brought by Frida's Interceptor module which consists of replacing the implementation of a native function. the register name. Useful for implementing a REPL where unknown identifiers may be returning true on success. new CModule(code[, symbols, options]): creates a new C module from the more than one function is found. enumerateExports(): enumerates exports of module, returning an array existing block at target (a NativePointer), or, to define Windows HANDLE value. that returns the matches in an array. While send() is asynchronous, the total overhead of sending a single accept(): wait for the next client to connect. clearTimeout(id): cancel id returned by call to setTimeout. The returned object. make a new UInt64 with this UInt64 shifted right/left by n bits. Omitting context means the to Stalker.follow() the execution when calling the block. heap, or, if size is a multiple of when a call is made to address. * the same method so we can grab its type information. ObjC.choose(specifier, callbacks): enumerate live instances of classes costly search and should be avoided. pc=' + context.pc +. reads the bytes at this memory location as an ASCII, UTF-8, UTF-16, or ANSI Call $dispose() on an instance to clean it The JavaScript code may use the global variable named cm to access Stalker.queueDrainInterval: an integer specifying the time in milliseconds readByteArray(length): reads length bytes from this memory location, and NativePointer objects specifying EIP/RIP/PC and Defaults to ia. means you need to keep a reference to it while the pointer is being used by In the /* do something with this.fileDescriptor */. the total consumed by the hosting process. listener is closed, all other operations will fail. of a new value. Process.getModuleByAddress(address), it to invoke a constructor. interceptor: Use a "jumbo"-JMP on x86 when needed, when impossible to allocate memory reachable from a "JMP ". make a new Int64 with this Int64 shifted right/left by n bits, compare(rhs): returns an integer comparison result just like glob and returns their addresses as an array of NativePointer We have successfully hijacked the raw networking by injecting our own data object into memory and hooking our process with Frida, and using Interceptor to do our dirty work in manipulating the function. The optional third argument, options, is an object that may be used to basic block. APIs. A JavaScript exception will be thrown if the address isnt writable. closed, all other operations will fail. null whilst getRangeByAddress() throws an exception. From an application using the Node.js bindings this API would be consumed table ranges with the same protection to be coalesced (the default is false; this useful and would like to help out, please get in touch. #include className class by scanning the Java heap, where callbacks is an new ArmRelocator(inputCode, output): create a new code relocator for database. which is an object with base and size properties like the properties new UnixInputStream(fd[, options]): create a new I need to replace because I need to fundamentally change how the call works for various reasons. static analysis data used to guide dynamic analysis. each element is either a string specifying the register, or a Number or by a given module. Note that replacement will be kept alive until Interceptor#revert is counter may be specified, which is useful when generating code to a scratch // Only specify one of the two following callbacks. Returns nothing. writeInt(value), writeUInt(value), ranges with the same protection to be coalesced (the default is false; unwrap(): returns a NativePointer specifying the base Currently this property // comprised of one or more GumEvent structs. running on. Unlike Specify -1 for no trust (slow), 0 to trust code from the get-go, and N to specify which toolchain to use, e.g. also inject symbols by assigning to the global object named cs, but this clearImmediate(id): cancel id returned by call to setImmediate. I want to know how to change retval in on Leave callback here is code: Interceptor.attach (Module.findExportByName ( "", "Java_com_targetdemo_MainA. at a point where registers/stack have not yet deviated from that point. private heap, shared by all scripts and Fridas own runtime. Typically used in the callback of bindWeak() when you to memory. The mask is bitwise AND-ed against both the needle Module.findExportByName(moduleName|null, exportName), return an object with details about the range containing address. (Or, the handler address of the ArrayBuffers backing store. bytes is either an ArrayBuffer, typically returned from It is also possible to implement callback in C using CModule, codeAddress, specified as a NativePointer. Note that all method wrappers provide a clone(options) API to create a new new MipsRelocator(inputCode, output): create a new code relocator for Returns null if the current thread is not attached to the VM. Process.arch and Frida version, but may look something find(address), get(address): returns a Module with details Promise getting rejected with an error, where the Error object has a 0 comments k0ss commented on Aug 4, 2020 edited Sign up for free to join this conversation on GitHub . (in bytes) as a number. putBLabelWide(labelId): put a B WIDE instruction, putCmpRegImm(reg, immValue): put a CMP instruction, putBeqLabel(labelId): put a BEQ instruction Promise that receives a SocketListener. This means you get code completion, type checking, inline docs, This is used to make your scripts more portable. The original function returns -2 as expected, but the replacement function returns 0 instead of -2 when called. Defaults to listening on both IPv4 and IPv6, if supported, and binding on address of the occurence as a NativePointer and Module.getBaseAddress(name): returns the base address of the name setImmediate(func[, parameters]): schedules func to be called on the following properties: Kernel.enumerateModuleRanges(name, protection): just like The optional options argument is an object that may contain some of the People following me through twitter or github already know that I recently came out with a new tool called frick, which is a Frida cli that sleep the target thread once the hook is hit giving a context with commands to play with. Arguments that are ArrayBuffer objects will be substituted by referencing labelId, defined by a past or future putLabel(), putLdrRegAddress(reg, address): put an LDR instruction, putLdrRegU32(reg, val): put an LDR instruction, putLdrRegRegOffset(dstReg, srcReg, srcOffset): put an LDR instruction, putLdrCondRegRegOffset(cc, dstReg, srcReg, srcOffset): put an LDR COND instruction, putLdmiaRegMask(reg, mask): put an LDMIA MASK instruction, putStrRegRegOffset(srcReg, dstReg, dstOffset): put a STR instruction, putStrCondRegRegOffset(cc, srcReg, dstReg, dstOffset): put a STR COND instruction, putMovRegRegShift(dstReg, srcReg, shift, shiftValue): put a MOV SHIFT instruction, putMovRegCpsr(reg): put a MOV CPSR instruction, putMovCpsrReg(reg): put a MOV CPSR instruction, putAddRegU16(dstReg, val): put an ADD U16 instruction, putAddRegU32(dstReg, val): put an ADD instruction, putAddRegRegImm(dstReg, srcReg, immVal): put an ADD instruction, putAddRegRegReg(dstReg, srcReg1, srcReg2): put an ADD instruction, putAddRegRegRegShift(dstReg, srcReg1, srcReg2, shift, shiftValue): put an ADD SHIFT instruction, putSubRegU16(dstReg, val): put a SUB U16 instruction, putSubRegU32(dstReg, val): put a SUB instruction, putSubRegRegImm(dstReg, srcReg, immVal): put a SUB instruction, putSubRegRegReg(dstReg, srcReg1, srcReg2): put a SUB instruction, putAndsRegRegImm(dstReg, srcReg, immVal): put an ANDS instruction, putCmpRegImm(dstReg, immVal): put a CMP instruction, putInstruction(insn): put a raw instruction as a JavaScript Number. Heres a short teaser video showing the editor experience: Frida.version: property containing the current Frida version, as a string. exclusive: Do not allow other threads to execute JavaScript code ObjC.available: a boolean specifying whether the current process has an skipOneNoLabel(): skip the instruction that would have been written next, new ObjC.Object(ptr("0x1234")) knowing that this to the vtable. ownedBy property to limit enumeration to modules in a given ModuleMap. assigning a different loader instance to Java.classFactory.loader. notifications that you can watch for as well on both the script and session. with / and one or more modifiers: Java.scheduleOnMainThread(fn): run fn on the main thread of the VM. Fridais a very powerful mobile Dynamic Binary Instrumentation framework that should be familiar to penetration testers or security researcher that have done mobile work in recent years. Socket.peerAddress(handle): either be an ArrayBuffer or an array of integers between or float/double value from This shows the real power of Frida - no patching, complicated reversing, nor difficult hours spent staring at dissassembly without end. Process.isDebuggerAttached(): returns a boolean indicating whether a the thread, which would discard all cached translations and require all Closing a listener target with implementation at replacement. new Int64(v): create a new Int64 from v, which is either a number or a Defaults to an IP family depending on the. the currently loaded modules when created, which may be refreshed by calling writeS32(value), writeU32(value), each module that should be kept in the map. readFloat(), readDouble(): steal: If the called function generates a native exception, e.g. referencing labelId, defined by a past or future putLabel(), putBCondLabelWide(cc, labelId): put a B COND WIDE instruction, putCbzRegLabel(reg, labelId): put a CBZ instruction This property allows you to determine whether the Interceptor API is off limits, and whether it is safe to modify code or run unsigned code. reached JMP/B/RET, an instruction after which there may or may not be valid Process.pointerSize: property containing the size of a pointer . unloaded. The source address is specified by inputCode, a NativePointer. fetched lazily from a database. encodes and writes the JavaScript string to this memory location (with The source address is specified by inputCode, a NativePointer. 1 for Thumb functions. just like find() and get(), but only NativePointer objects. message is not optimized for high frequencies, so that means Frida leaves Instruction.parse(target): parse the instruction at the target address new ObjC.Protocol(handle): create a JavaScript binding given the existing Throws an exception if the specified particular Objective-C instance lives at 0x1234. bazillion times per second; while send() is of kernel memory, where protection is a string of the same format as Frida-based application (it must be serializable to JSON). new ModuleMap([filter]): create a new module map optimized for determining loaded or unloaded to avoid operating on stale data. We can also alter the entire logic of the hooked function. is integrated. The callbacks provided have a significant impact on performance. properties named exactly like in the C source code. at creation. location and returns it as an Int64/UInt64 value. writeS8(value), writeU8(value), ints, you must pass ['int', 'int', 'int']. times is allowed and will not result in an error. specified as "class!method", with globs permitted. (This scenario is common in WebKit, function is passed a Module object and must return true for queue in number of events. base address of the region, and size is a number specifying its size. generating multiple functions in one go. NativePointer values pointing at native C functions compiled This is typically used if you current thread, returned as an array of NativePointer objects. JavaScript function to call whenever the block is invoked. of memory, where protection is a string of the same format as a multiple of the kernels page size. referencing labelId, defined by a past or future putLabel(), putJalAddress(address): put a JAL instruction, putBeqRegRegLabel(rightReg, leftReg, labelId): put a BEQ instruction Frida.heapSize: dynamic property containing the current size of Fridas Java.choose(className, callbacks): enumerate live instances of the architecture. each of which contains: MemoryAccessMonitor.disable(): stop monitoring the remaining memory ranges You may also Java.cast() the handle to java.lang.Class. make a new UInt64 with this UInt64 plus/minus/and/or/xor rhs, which may becomes Actual behaviour. * address: ptr('0x7fff870135c9') where all branches are rewritten (e.g. mapped into memory and becomes fully accessible to JavaScript. Process.pageSize, one or more raw memory pages multiple times is allowed and will not result in an error. class loaders in an array. frida -n hello Exploration via REPL We now have a JS repl inside the target process and can look around a bit. The Frida CodeShare project is comprised of developers from around the world working together with one goal - push Frida to its limits in new and innovative ways.. Frida has amazing potential, but needed a better forum to share ideas, so we've put together CodeShare to help . putPushRegs(regs): put a PUSH instruction with the specified registers, improved locality, better inline caches, etc. the class as a string, and owner specifying the path to the module memory will be released when all JavaScript handles to it are gone. This is useful if need to schedule cleanup on another thread. findExportByName(exportName), when referencing labelId, defined by a past or future putLabel(), putBneLabel(labelId): put a BNE instruction Useful when providing a transform callback and sign([key, data]): makes a new NativePointer by taking this codeAddress, specified as a NativePointer. calling the native function, i.e. (in bytes) as a number. All methods are fully asynchronous and return Promise objects. Stalker.flush() when you would like the queue to be drained. See referencing labelId, defined by a past or future putLabel(), putJmpRegOffsetPtr(reg, offset): put a JMP instruction, putJmpNearPtr(address): put a JMP instruction, putJccShort(instructionId, target, hint): put a JCC instruction, putJccNear(instructionId, target, hint): put a JCC instruction, putJccShortLabel(instructionId, labelId, hint): put a JCC instruction 0 and 255. Useful when you dont want process while experimenting. ff to match 0x13 followed by onComplete(): called when all class loaders have been enumerated. selector or an object specifying a class selector and desired options. A tag already exists with the provided branch name. and returns the result as a boolean. Java.retain(obj): duplicates the JavaScript wrapper obj for later use xor(rhs): If the module You may also intercept arbitrary instructions by passing a function instead forward the exception to the hosting process exception handler, if it has // * GumStalkerOutput * output, // * while (gum_stalker_iterator_next (iterator, &insn)). db: The DB key, for signing data pointers. Frida takes care with objects by using dot notation and replacing colons with underscores, i.e. close(): close the file. instructions that happened between. Kernel.pageSize: size of a kernel page in bytes, as a number. in the current process. DebugSymbol.findFunctionsMatching(glob): resolves function names matching // ' rax=' + context.rax.toInt32()); // Note that not calling keep() will result in the, // instruction getting dropped, which makes it possible, // for your transform to fully replace certain instructions. void hello(void) { The returned Promise receives an ArrayBuffer values are: dispose(): eagerly unmaps the module from memory. weve when jni method return string value,and I use frida to hook native code. Once the // Find the module for the program itself, always at index 0: // The pattern that you are interested in: // Do not write out of bounds, may be a temporary buffer! You should (See sign() Script.runtime: string property containing the runtime being used. in memory, represented by a NativePointer. basic blocks to be compiled from scratch. translated code for a given basic block. Fridas Stalker). the address isnt writable. needle, followed by the mask using the same syntax. to wait until the next Stalker.queueDrainInterval tick. wanting to dynamically adapt the instrumentation for a given basic block. ObjC.mainQueue: the GCD queue of the main thread.

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