When he was teleported, he was naked because he lost his loincloth, and the whole crew was staring at him with delight/desire. Following the fal-tor-pan, Spock is still struggling to recover his memories. Books/Movies/Games! Authors can write and upload their manuscripts on Inkit for free and writers retain 100% of their copyrights whilst writing on Inkitt. Spock had his hands around him, ensuring that the seams of him would not fall apart; but there was only so much time that he could stall for, there was no point in prolonging the inevitable. (TNG: "Encounter at Farpoint"), Officers of the Andorian Imperial Guard also tortured their prisoners and beat and kicked them during their interrogations. And before he can react even /begin/ to react to the situation, he's already having a medical emergency. I like tormenting my favorite characters. I am interested in thoughtful stories with plot and something that has genuine affection between them and not just antagonizing behavior that culminates in angry sex. Soon however, Kirk receives a priority signal with orders to proceed to Altair VI to represent the Federation at an inauguration ceremony for the planet's new president. Recent Additions. Zarabeth was not used because her character was 5,000 years in the past. The bad news is--that may not be enough. Or, in less general words, it's about Jen Kirk dragging Spock the Wrinkly One, kicking, screaming and internally crying tears of laughter on his imaginary Jim's shoulder, well into her found family circle, and him saving her more times than it's decent to count. LowKey_Loki_Fan I torture characters for fun . Turns out Spock is one alien who's more than happy to abduct his weak human boyfriend. There will be some nice bickering with Spock. Im looking for another deleted fic. T'Pring arrives accompanied by Stonn, a pure-blooded Vulcan, who is obviously her lover. At least the kid is still fighting. After lost his t'hy'la, Mirror Spock kidnapped Jim and retired from the fleet. Books that perform well based on their reader engagement are published on our Galatea app. History. Jim is going through George's stuff, and finds out that George had his suspicions/found part of the machine (or something similar) on his adventures outside, but died before he could fully investigate/destroy it. For all grieving parents and anyone else who has lost a loved one. Jim was the last kid to be born. It also explains why McCoy and Spock left Starfleet after the 5-year mission. or, a story in which Jim Kirk fucked that old man. The reason for that is that Spock was gang raped by his kidnappers and now considers himself unclean and unworthy of Jims attention. A new short set in the Star Trek universe depicts the recovery of the USS Enterprise-D and Spock's visit to James Kirk's grave on Veridian III. Specifically, I'm looking for any fics from authors: ginger ninja, posyvanilla, and mangochi. Is Deanna hiding a secret from Will? She invokes kal-if-fee, her customary right to a physical challenge between Spock and Stonn. ", Jim's been hiding the fact that he was on Tarsus for so long he's forgotten how to talk about things. During the Dominion War, on a joint training exercise with the Romulans, the Enterprise-E faces the most unexpected threat imaginable: Porthos (and a foul-mouthed lizard) to the Rescue!! Might add more if it's liked. Unfortunately these posts are from years ago and aren't being updated any more. When the statue falls what will it reveal. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. One whiff is too much. The story is a caring look at the relationship that Pike/Boyce have and the developing one between Kirk and Bones. AU On shoreleave with Gary Mitchell, Kirk buys and frees a Vulcan slave who turns out to be the son of the Vulcan ambassador who has been missing for 3 years Originally published in 1982 in the print fanzine Final Frontier # 1. Yay. Space Husbands for Kirk and Spock in Star Trek. A companion fic for The Sad Bitch Chronicles written by hollyesque but Jim is a man. Because even in the 23th century people still make assumptions. I hope everyone is well. I and Spock have been dating for four months now and I never thought he would do something like this! Author: Jenna Cassie Herdz Published: 2015-10-20 Length: 374 pages Reviews: 0 reviews Hostages Rating: 4.5 Genres: Mystery , Thriller It's science fiction, and your imagination is endless. This story was originally intended for publication in the KisCon 2013 zine, however, due to delays in completing another project for the con as a result of computer issues, I was not able to finish it in time. They meet at a wedding. When Kirk, Spock and Sulu decide to help out Starfleet (and the Admiral trying to court-martial them) by posing for a calendar, Uhura saves the day - well, at least she wins the fights. Jim wishes that he didnt run away from that fucking town square, and that he died with his aunt in the mud in the last place he felt any happiness. On the ship, Spock announces his intention to resign from Starfleet and submit himself to whatever consequences await him for killing Kirk. It is his friends who will have to be there to help him pick up the pieces in the aftermath. ", This is the last time (I'm asking you this), actually it's First Years Into Reform Vulcan, Five bad days aboard the ISS Enterprise (plus one outdoors). Hearing his captain's cry, he immediately ran towards him, his heart pounding in his chest. When Spock moved into his new starfleet academy apartment he certainly didn't expect to find someone already living there. I have just finished reading through AO3, FF.net and KS Archives, but I will admit I might have missed something. A young man is given an offer to cheat death by being sent forward in time to participate in challenges to see if a young god can prove that he is worthy of his power and see if 'man' is worth preserving in a galaxy filled with strife. I am kinda tired of him always being the one in the wrong. Originally published in the print fanzine Beyond Dreams 7 (2004), edited by Jenna Sinclair. Spock reluctantly attends his academy reunion. This also has ties to Star Trek: Picard, as an episode of the show's final season confirmed that Section 31 has Kirk's body in stasis at Daystrom Station. The name arises from the use of the slash symbol (/) in mentions in the late '70s of K/S (meaning stories where Kirk and Spock had a romantic [and often sexual . Five people who assumed Jim Kirk was straight and the one individual who knew better from the beginning but still got a surprise. He and Spock have become a force to be reckoned with as far as them being a command team since their time on the Enterprise started 8 months ago but Jim knows the Vulcan still doesnt like him very much. Pike/Boyce watch over both wistfully as it reminds them about the beginning of their relationship.Kirk has trust issues, but does trust Pike. The blast from a mysterious weapon sends everything spiraling, and it's all he can do to shut his eyes tight and endure. Jim Kirk has a large bounty on his head, and when he and Solan are betrayed by a trusted friend, they and Doctor McCoy end up being captured for the bounty. Khan goes to jail (or is killed), and the Earth goes back to the way it was. I tell you what, Mister Spock, Jim said to his companion, the only nice thing about this dreary weather is that it really lets you savor a bad mood., Under the heavy fur-lined hood of his parka, the Vulcan First Officer tilted his head at Jim. (Published in Danse Macabre magazine). What does the Captain of the Enterprise have planned for his lying doctor? Hi there, I'm looking for a very funny fanfic about Kirk being captured for a sex slavery and then rescued by the team. One wonders it is still practiced." Jim shoved his thickly gloved hands beneath his underarms and squeezed. It sees Spock (with the digitally recreated likeness of Leonard Nimoy) going to Kirk's grave and retrieving his Starfleet badge. Based on 'The Conscience of the King' from Star Trek TOS. Kirk wants to waste Bones's time during his yearly physical, and things don't go as planed. You are a powerful man who chooses to serve an evil woman! He didnt trust himself to look Spock in the eyes, for in doing so he would surely reveal how much it irked him. but when he next opens his eyes he's his four year old self in the aftermath of a sleepover with his (dead) older brother, Sam. i.e. Mirror Spock thought he can brainwashing Jim, however, Jim is bonded with his Spock. Turns out that Khan wants to take over the Earth, and he can't because there are humans living there, so he builds some sort of contraption to simulate those conditions so that when humans eventually die off, he can swoop in and claim the planet for himself. When Spock saves McCoy's life from hostile aliens, he is not prepared for the consequences. Chloe got grabbed by an Akuma and ended up a long time in the future. Hurt James T. Kirk Protective Spock (Star Trek) Emotional Spock (Star Trek) Spock Loves James T. Kirk James T. Kirk & Leonard "Bones" McCoy Friendship two idiots in love But They Deny Their Emotions James T. Kirk Whump Whump In space, there are things that can go wrong. Star Trek TOS: This side of Paradise. tip: austen words:10000-50000 sort:title. Spock gets tortured, the recovery proves very difficult, but he is surrounded by his found-family and will make it through alright. While Spock is visiting his friend's final resting place, Starfleet is at work retrieving the Enterprise-D's saucer section from where it crash-landed on the planet. Oh, how he was being tugged in two differing directions. In one way or another. It took a long time for James T. Kirk to finally accept and acknowledge that for him, Spock had always been his own universal constant. The unmistakable sound of an object hitting flesh, followed by a quickly stifled wail. Star Trek: Amok Time. Needless to say, Jim is a space cadet in more than one way, and Vulcan hands are very sensitive even when the contact stings. After a surprising night of passion on Argeelius, Kirk and Spock begin an erotic relationship. So it was less an insidious plan, and it was mostly a nod to Shatner and Judian Garth's novel The Return in that way, and to give some opportunity to keep that character alive in some way, whether that would be Shatner or some new actor, or crazy gender swap clone, some fun thing. Looking for a Mirror!verse fic and a medical-oriented longish fic [AOS] Half-solved! The Kelvin timeline also sees a fair share of Chekov/Sulu shipping, but given that Sulu is happily married to another man in that timeline, those fics have cooled somewhat. It's not easy being captain of a starship for Kirk, especially when every two minutes he has to thwart attempts on his life, attempts to overthrow him, and sometimes even attempts on his life plus attempts to overthrow him at the same time. Whether he liked or not, this job was filled with the wonder of life in all combinations as well as as the death of it. (VOY: "Live Fast and Prosper"), Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information, Serve as a disincentive to the subject against withholding information from the torturer, Force the subject into an altered state of mind in which they were more likely to confess misdeeds or swear on lies, as a consequence of the autonomic elevation of, Induce someone responsible for the safety of the subject to provide information desired by the torturer, Punish the subject for disobedience or unsuccessful escape from captivity, Condition the subject to accept the torturer's authority without question, Test the reactions or limits of the subject. Torture was considered by some to be useful during interrogations. The Cardassians were one such example, justifying their torture of Jean-Luc Picard in 2369 by claiming the treaty only applied to those acting on behalf of a treaty signatory, which Picard would not admit to doing. Mobile apps to spark your creativity! Rated: Fiction T - English - Angst/Suspense - J. Kirk, Spock, L. McCoy/Bones, Carol Marcus - Chapters: 18 - Words: 64,172 - Reviews: 4 - Favs: 4 - Follows: 5 - Updated: 12/8/2019 . Shortly after the beginning of the Reform, Vulcan seems to have hesitantly accepted to join the Federation in a peaceful alliance. For the time being, this community will remain on [. Spock knows he is bonded to Kirk but stays with Uhura anyway? Enjoy! I am also looking for a story where Kirk is on New Vulcan in the Council chambers, which for some reason has an open wall that is basically a cliff, and he almost walks off of it in a daze. About dreams and destinies and a loss, and about that simple feeling transcending the death itself. Jim KirkMcCoyJimMcCoy. His relationship with Spock has made him one of the happiest Captains in the fleet. Further complicating the situation is his first officer Spock, who may or may not be planning the mutiny of the century. "-Just your classic Valentine's Day fic about two guys kissing in space during bizarre missions and questionable events. Thank you for all the support I've been getting recently!!! An easy decision for a man of bravery. TOS A/U novella. Giving intel on a sought out blueprint for a reality controlling device to Starfleet, Garak hoped to not only bring them and Cardassia closer while saving their universe, but also to have time with Bashir as the middleman on the mission. Or will his past lead to self-destruction? Hello Star Trek friends I'm looking for a handful of fics that others have posted about previously. Prompts and more Certain situations demand dramatic music. I do not own or profit from these characters, they belong to Gene Roddenberry. He wishes that his mother never fell for his stupid human father, whos legacy he cant seem to match up to. :insert from Lord Bryon poem: When he was teleported, he was naked because he lost his loincloth, and the whole crew was staring at him with delight/desire. I'm looking for a fic where there was some sort of nuclear winter/apocalypse happening, so everybody lived underground. But how will his old crew take his return to his post as Captain of the Enterprise? ?Luckily, Jims friends are there to support him. I always thought that it was a shitty grave on Veridian III. I swear the actual fic is better than the summary, I just can't summarize to save my life lol. Races with members known to use torture included: Torture was common in the mirror universe. More poetry done by me. Jim has almost no memories of that time, nor do he have any memories of his biological parents. Now you have it! I've read another book about the happening on Tarsus IV and this could definitely fit into that canon. The Andorian Ambassador knew all the horror stories about the Enterprise and its human captain, the infamous James T. Kirk. Ch2) 5+1 -See how it all started, and how it's going. (TNG: "Chain Of Command, Part II"), Acts of torture were in theory banned by the Seldonis IV Convention, however governments who were signatories to the treaty would often attempt to find ways around this restriction. It's a truth universally acknowledged that you never forget your first love.Recruited to be part of an exploratory mission to a planet where people live as in the Regency era, Spock finds himself forced to work side by side with captain James T. Kirk seventeen years after breaking up with him. In June of 2151, Commander Thy'lek Shran tortured Captain Jonathan Archer to get information about a Vulcan listening post at P'Jem from him. Jim has almost no memories of that time, nor do he have any memories of his biological parents. Among other things. Since the challenge demands it, there is rape in this story, but it is not described in detail, only alluded to. Summary: When Kirk is taken captive by a slave-culture, he is forced to swear an oath of bondage -- and Spock, amnesiac and injured, may be compelled to honor that oath if they ever see one another again. Hello! Spock needs therapy. Kirk was saved from Tarsus IV by Vulcans when he was fourteen, but the memory of Kodos the Executioner and his child soldiers still haunts him. Jim arrives on the Enterprise for the first time as a crew member and clasps Spock in greeting, without thinking, and Spock responds that they are bonded. Kirk lost a bet to Spock. The Survivors Eligh: Kirk/Spock . The short draws inspiration from two primary sources. The Admiral denies permission, but Kirk ignores the order, arguing there are already two other starships attending the Altair VI ceremony. This page was loaded May 2nd 2023, 6:51 am GMT. Published in 1988 as the print fanzine "An Oath of Bondage". With the Star Trek universe being in constant time/spacial/dimensional flux due to ever changing timelines it is necessary to set forth a sort of principal guideline to choose which general time period you wish to be a part of. Looking for an academy era fic where Jim has no refractory period and Bones is very accommodating. Kirk confronts Spock, who says he has no memory of having changed the order. Something is wrong with him, but I can't remember what. JimJohnKhanSpock, This began as one shot based on a tumblr post but I had so much interest in continuing, I decided to go for it in 2022. Kirk is weakened by Vulcan's heat and thinner atmosphere and must struggle harder against Spock's strength. Kirk/Spock: Explicit: 23,650: TOS: post-star trek iv, established relationship. Scott is found living under a bridge and is locked in a mental institute, After saving Humanity, the Tales of Raising the First Generation of Mutants, Naru (dragon) has to decide when to speak up with his elf pair and when to not say a word, A contest for the heart season- (Poetry Contest) CLOSED Winner announced already. He just never realized that it would all end today. Jim is an omega. I think he might have been holding a hot dog in one hand or something. where everyone is gathered and he observes Jim interactions with the crew members (maybe Spock is also talking to McCoy and/or Scotty, I'm not sure). The other inspiration is Ashes of Eden, the Star Trek novel written by William Shatner that began what fans call "the Shatnerverse," a series of novels following Kirk after his final on-screen appearance, with him resurrected after his death in Star Trek Generationsand continuing his journeys in the Star Trek: The Next Generation era. Or, the story of how Beyond came to be with little rewrites of TOS and my own headcanons. They are torturing a member of his crew! "It is a simple thing for you, is it not, to choose to give your life so that another may live. . Here's what I remember from both of them: The first one is about Jim and I think some of the Enterprise crew getting captured and imprisoned on an alien planet. Please consider turning it on! I wish they made a Star Trek film or episode which explains more on Kirks backstory, because theyve done a LOT on Spocks, and though good, its got quite boring now if Im honest, or even make a mashup of both Kirk and Spocks backstories . Spock had managed to find cover after the explosion, his sharp Vulcan senses alert. He is looking everywhere but Jim is like a ghost everybody just saw him (helping with something) but he seems to just went for the next task. Jim takes it slowly for Spock sake and doesnt pressure for anything. "Jim wishes he could burn away the eyes of respective disappointment and superiority that melt into his back, watching him walk away. Kirk orders him to report to sickbay for a full examination. It became a controversial idea. While visiting a planet for diplomatic negotiations, a member of the away team suffers a severe allergic reaction, and for once, it's not Jim Kirk. Spock does not wish to discuss what is currently affecting him, but Kirk demands an explanation. Can he learn to stop running and face it? McCoy is a beta. We know what happened, but we do not 'see' it happen. But I admire Gene Roddenberry's dreams. Admittedly, Jim did have a more-than-passing masochistic streak, but even he wasnt that into vore. However, that trust is broken when Kirk finds out that Pike knows about Tarsus and Pike didn't bother to let Kirk know this. He really hadnt planned on getting laid. While the pain inflicted during torture was often physical in nature, it could also possess an emotional or mental character. Kirk knows that to earn his trust that he will have to make a painful confession of his own. The Enterprise-D's recovery is based on its return in Star Trek: Picard Season 3. Like said on the title; Spock Cheats on Kirk during shore leave.Will things ever be the same again?? The problems really begin when Spock is taken prisoner, leaving Kirk bereft, his bondlink somehow broken. All of a sudden, their ship stops dead in space--everything is working, but they aren't moving. Or tentacles, for that matter. Thank you so much! Spock says that when he thought he had killed the Captain, he found that he had lost all desire for T'Pring, and the madness was gone. That's a way of getting to know someone better. "Jim," Spock murmurs, his gaze unfocused. Matlas said. And much more! I do not own these characters. It is ultimately self-defeating as a means of control. Captain James T. Kirk and Dr. Leonard McCoy witness one of Spock's . in hangar (?) Why should it be? His hands twitched, gaze downward. cNote Collections designed & created by the StoryMistress; original photography & images. McCoy and Kirk then explain that McCoy actually injected the Captain with a neuroparalyzer drug that simulated death but merely knocked him out. Hello wonderful community I've been looking for a fic that takes place at the Academy. Work Search: Cue to Kirk to figure it out and offer lots of comfort and TLC to his traumatized Vulcan. However, it keeps catching up to him. Spock learns that Jim has an alien abduction kink. "Right now I believe I am experiencing feelings of a romantic nature towards you. Captain Kirk is tortured by Tristan Adams Captain Picard tortured in 2369 Torture was the practice of inflicting extreme pain on a captive subject. Spock is an Alpha. It was a pile of rocks, I don't care what fans think. A piece of advice on how to build your successful career. The Enterprise finally arrives at Vulcan, and Spock invites Kirk and Dr. McCoy to accompany him to the surface. On Doctors, Revenges and Christmas Gifts. Set after Star Trek III: The Search for Spock and during Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home. Later, Kirk asks Mr. Chekov how long it would take to get to Altair if they diverted to Vulcan just long enough to drop off Mr. Spock; Chekov replies that Spock has already ordered a course change to Vulcan. In space, there are things that can go wrong. Not savor them., Yes, well, Jim trailed off. Please consider turning it on! This site is not affiliated with any official Star Trek entity. Spock explains to them that Vulcans are married as children with the understanding that they will fulfill this commitment when they become adults. Jim had always known, on some level, that everything will inevitably end. Would love to read more. I'm not in these fandoms anymore but overwatch and rwby have some of the most clever ship names I've seen in all my fanfiction years. The monsters that wanted to eat him were yet another turn-off. Hello! It was my understanding, Captain, that humans tended to reject negative emotions and seek to alleviate them. The combat continues and Spock garrotes Kirk with a traditional weapon, at which point McCoy pronounces the Captain dead and has his body beamed back to the Enterprise. or Spock meets kirk under unusual circumstances and ends up in a crazy situation trying to help Kirk. Should Jim not be putting his all into mourning Pike? Regardless of Spock's condition, he displays superior strength and agility. Uhura on the other hand has her shit together- she speaks Vulcan fluently, always looks stunning, has her paperwork handing in early and even looks beautiful in does stupid robes she was made to wear for this ceremony. The pairings are initially just Pike/Boyce and they act as mentors to Kirk and Bones. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. Starfleet arrives on Tarsus IV to start the rescue and evacuation of it's inhabitants. )Thank you in advance for any help! It was in a sense that it was telling about bond reaching across the stars and beyond, about friendship and loyalty so unwavering it moved the world instead. Take This Sinking Boat (And Point It Home), This Trailer Park Is a Shithole but Goddammit, It's Home, On the Subtle (and not) Differences Between Vulcan Handshakes and Human Kisses, Friendship and Love, Xenolinguistics, Astrophysics, and Love: The Complete Education of a Starship Captain, used to be one of the rotten ones (and I liked you for that), The Immovable Object and the Unopposable Force, What We Don't Say (or The Epic Wedding of Jim and Spock), 5x Spock melded w/Kirk & 1x Kirk melded w/Spock, pulling pigtails and other methods of human communication, You'll Get There in the End (It Just Takes a While). Geordi La Forge rebuilt the ship at the Starfleet Museum after Starfleet determined that the Prime Directive wouldn't allow for the vessel to remain on Veridian III's surface. Yes, they play chess twice a week and they do tend to do their paperwork together in the Ready-room but that doesnt mean they are friends. I am also kinda tired of Kirk being portrayed as an idiot or oblivious. During the eight years Beverly Howard spends at Starfleet Academy, there is one Professor she feels she is able to approach with any question she has. Someone, something, in the universe is bored. This is an answer to Juni's Love vs. Rape Trauma challenge, seen below: Can we have some hurt/comfort story with lots of angst? Originally published in 1981 in the print fanzine Cheap Thrills # 2. Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death, Choose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, No Archive Warnings Apply, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings (76), Star Trek: Alternate Original Series (Movies) (34), Star Trek: The Original Series (Movies) (22), Pre-Canon (Star Trek: The Next Generation), Post-Canon (Star Trek: The Original Series), Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Julian gets changed into a Cardassian and its gonna be everyone's problem, the stupidly handsome Julian Bashir and pining Elim Garak, and there was only TWO beds that get pusheed into ONE, Book: The Final Reflection - John M. Ford, Original Male Character/Original Male Character, Crew of the Starship Enterprise as Family, Star Trek: Alternate Original Series (Movies), Leonard "Bones" McCoy/Original Female Character(s), James T. Kirk & Leonard "Bones" McCoy Friendship, Odyssey and Mirror Universe book series compliant, Canon Divergence - Star Trek: Into Darkness. I have only found a few that are just the two of them and do not include Kirk. I find myself in the mood for some McCoy/Spock fics. Jim struggles to keep his identity as J.T on the journey home and as he adjusts to life on Earth. Intendant Kira Nerys suggested randomly executing workers instead. Ele era assim porque era um deles, seu pai deve ter sido um deles, atacando sua me, e ela no podia nem se lembrar disso. You can advertise on Writing.Com for pennies per click. The more I think about it the more possible it seems this was just one chapter in a longer fic, but if anyone recognizes this and could point me in the right direction it would be appreciated. Maybe someone has a copy of it or knows if the author goes by another name? For the purposes of this fic, while the part where Spock accused Jim of cheating did happen, the distress signal from Vulcan did not, and there is no destruction of Vulcan or murder of Spock's mother here. The duel pains Spock, and he asks that T'Pau forbid it because Kirk "does not understand, he does not know", but T'Pau allows it. Kirk tells Spock his leave will have to be delayed. Enjoy : ), A Sci-Fi impression I did for a school project. It must be disrespectful, surely, to be so in love whilst being in the thralls of grief, especially to one that would never reciprocate his feelings. Designed to read like an actual epidode. Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Rape/Non-Con, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings (169), Star Trek: Alternate Original Series (Movies) (266), Star Trek: The Original Series (Movies) (18), James T. Kirk & Leonard "Bones" McCoy (52), James T. Kirk & Leonard "Bones" McCoy & Spock (19), James T. Kirk/Leonard "Bones" McCoy/Spock (19), Star Trek: Alternate Original Series (Movies), The Sad Bastard Chronicles (Companion to The Sad Bitch Chronicles), Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, captains, cassowaries, and other flightless birds, James T. Kirk & Leonard "Bones" McCoy & Spock, James T. Kirk & Leonard "Bones" McCoy Friendship, Gaila (Star Trek: Alternate Original Series), Spock is tall and so is Jim I make the rules, James T. Kirk/Leonard "Bones" McCoy/Spock, James T Kirk has DID - Dissociative Identity Disorder, Crew of the Starship Enterprise & James T. Kirk, Leonard "Bones" McCoy & Montgomery "Scotty" Scott, James T. Kirk & Montgomery "Scotty" Scott, im going to break jim up to so many pieces yall are not ready, Episode: s01e12 The Conscience of the King, Episode: s02e13 The Trouble With Tribbles, No beta we die like the admirals in these, I really need to write an epilogue to tie up loose ends, I stayed up 48 hours straight to finish this, they are bonded they just don't know it yet, Whump Bingo: "I'll tell you later, just not right now. And don't the most interesting things happen when you're bored? "Yeah," Kirk said, a half smile cracking the dried blood around his mouth, "Yeah, pretty amusing I'd say." It is intended for entertainment purposes only, and maintained for no profit. Both are AOS! There was no way they were going to leave Kirk's body that had just come through the Nexus under a pile of coal on the planet.

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